StartupFestival – Call for Startup Pitches

International Startup Festival - Call for Startups

The team behind Startup Festival (which StartupNorth is a Media Sponsor) has started the call for startups looking to pitch and launch at the festival. They are looking for startups in a variety of verticals, at a variety of stages of corporate development, and looking to raise funding or attention for their companies. It’s a great Canadian event that is guarranteed to have local, national and global investors and press attending.

Apply to Pitch

Top 5 Reasons to Pitch at Startup Festival

  1. You didn’t get accepted to Launch, TechCrunch Disrupt or Demo
  2. You’ll be attending anyway, might as well get some great PR & exposure with attendees and speakers
  3. StartupFestival is a great bridge between North America and Europe. And you’re considering accelerating your access to European markets
  4. You’re actively raising funding and you want to get in front of the best investors and coaches in North America
  5. You’re funnier than Dave McClure and Will Ferrell should produce a webisode for Funny or Die featuring “Your Startup Life” with Claire Daines having a reoccurring guest starring role

Apply to Pitch


3 responses to “StartupFestival – Call for Startup Pitches”

  1. Jim Rudnick Avatar

    great piece here, David…and I’m trying to get a “Hamilton” contingent to commit….but will be there again for sure!



    1. davidcrow Avatar

      Love to have Kevin and the DemoCampHamilton folks and anyone else that wants to come. It’s going to be an amazing event.

  2. Tara Gowland Avatar

    Will send this out to my network!

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