Boris Wertz asks where are all the Canadian super angels?
“So when I check Angellist, the most important directory of angels in North-America and Europe, I only find 3 Canadian angels (of a total of 350 registered on the site), two in Vancouver (Danny Robinson and myself) and one in Edmonton (Kevin Swan).”
While Angellist is not the comprehensie list of global angel investors, it is the best list of Internet and mobile investors around. It has folks like:
- Aydin Senkut
- Brad Feld
- Dave McClure
- Dave Morin
- David Cohen
- Josh Kopelman
- Mike Maples
- Mitch Kapor
- Chris Dixon
- Max Levchin
- Howard Lindzon
There are angel groups in Canada. You can see the great work that our friend Bryan Watson at the National Angel Capital Association is doing to educate and advocate for angel investments, they provide a great list of angel groups in Canada. There are the efforts of groups like Maple Leaf Angels and the work of Randall Howard with the Golden Triangel Angelnet. And you can see the work that ad-hoc events like Founders and Funders to connect angels with emerging technologies and early-stage companies and founders.
However there are less well know angels like:
The thing that makes Angellist so amazing is the self-service nature of first person connection. You don’t need to know the right people. It provides one click, direct access to the key players in the economy of emerging companies. It’s something that is missing from the Canadian scene. The best part of Angellist is that Nivi and Naval validate and reference check all of the angel investors, so the wannabes are edited out. This is an edited list of the best angels actively doing deals.
Here’s hoping that more Canadian angels take the time to complete their Angellist profile.