DemoCamp with Fred Wilson

Mark your calendars.

Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures will be keynoting DemoCamp Toronto # 27 on October 6, 2010.

EquentiaHow did we pull this off? Well the big shout out goes to William Mougayar at Eqentia, this would not have happened without the support and efforts of William. In case you haven’t seen Eqentia, they power custom portals for media monitoring, competitive intelligence, knowledge tracking and more. They power two sites that I use daily to track the Canadian emerging technology scene: CVCA and NextMontreal news widget.  We’ll be launching a full Eqentia powered news portal in the next couple of weeks.

The full details about DCT27 are still being locked down. The venue is still to be determined. The venue is the bulk of the ticket price. The goal with ticketing has always been cost recovery and we’ll aim to keep tickets inexpensive (current model show about $25/person less for students). Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures

DemoCamp Toronto 27 Details

  • Date: October 6, 2010 [Hold the Date – iCal]
  • Time: 11:30am – 3:30pm
  • Location: To be determined
  • Notify me when tickets are available

I want to demo! Pick me, pick me!

We’re also looking for up to 5 local demos that match the investment thesis at Union Square Ventures. If you think your company has the right stuff then you should apply to demo.


6 responses to “DemoCamp with Fred Wilson”

  1. Jevon Avatar

    This is going to be great! Now we just have to convince @howardlindzon to come to town too!

  2. Jevon Avatar

    This is going to be great! Now we just have to convince @howardlindzon to come to town too!

    1. William Mougayar Avatar

      I’ll work on Howard next 🙂

  3. William Mougayar Avatar

    I’ll work on Howard next 🙂

  4. Karamdeep Nijjar Avatar
    Karamdeep Nijjar

    wow – way to go william!

  5. Karamdeep Nijjar Avatar

    wow – way to go william!

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