Sysomos acquired

News has leaked out today that Toronto-based Sysomos, a social media monitoring firm, has been acquired by MarketWire.

As usual, the terms of the deal are not being disclosed, but we do know that, like BumpTop, Sysomos was funded out of the Growthworks Commercialization fund. That would put this deal at well north of $25million, likely landing in at around $35million.  Sysomos was also funded by Ontario Centres of Excellence, who were also instrumental in supporting BumpTop. In fact, like Bumptop, Sysomos also originated at the University of  Toronto and does retain some useful and unique IP.

This is the second exit for Scott Pelton, who only took over managing the Growthwork’s comm fund in 2008. By Canadian VC standards (or any for that matter), he is on fire and, by my estimate, is chalking up one of the best IRRs that the business has seen yet in this country. Who says VC is dead?

Sysomos has made rapid progress since taking investment and has managed to consistently raise the bar of social media monitoring standards. No doubt that MarketWire is looking for ways to develop beyond their more traditional media monitoring solution to something that offers more social media coverage. Sysomos’ strong analytics capability will no doubt be useful to MarketWire customers as well.


46 responses to “Sysomos acquired”

  1. John Philip Green Avatar

    Sweet! Go Toronto Go!!!

    Congrats to the Sysomos team and Scott/GrowthWorks.

  2. 40deuce Avatar

    Thanks to those of you that have found out about the good news!!
    More official information and the official announcement will be coming later this week.
    We were going to try to keep it a secret for a little while longer, but you can't stop the cat once it pokes its head out of the bag.
    We're really excited!


    Sheldon, community manager for Sysomos

  3. elsa cohen Avatar

    spelling error: funded by Onatrio Centers

  4. Scott Pelton Avatar
    Scott Pelton

    thanks everyone. Nick, Nilesh and the whole team at Sysomos deserve all the credit. They all built a great company with some very innovative and timely IP

    GrowthWorks would love to fund more great entrepreneurs and business ideas .. please get in touch…

    Scott / @spelton

  5. Doug Johnson Avatar

    Congratulations to everyone at Sysomos. Thanks for setting the bar so high for the rest of the start up community.

  6. Markus Latzel Avatar

    Congrats!! Great to hear about another Canadian exit, originated in academia.

  7. John Philip Green Avatar

    Sweet! Go Toronto Go!!!

    Congrats to the Sysomos team and Scott/GrowthWorks.

  8. elsa cohen Avatar

    spelling error: funded by Onatrio Centers

  9. Scott Pelton Avatar
    Scott Pelton

    thanks everyone. Nick, Nilesh and the whole team at Sysomos deserve all the credit. They all built a great company with some very innovative and timely IP

    GrowthWorks would love to fund more great entrepreneurs and business ideas .. please get in touch…

    Scott / @spelton

  10. Doug Johnson Avatar

    Congratulations to everyone at Sysomos. Thanks for setting the bar so high for the rest of the start up community.

  11. Bubu Avatar

    How did you arrive at the $35 million acquisition figure. That seems a tad high. Also Growthworks invested $900k into them. That hardly qualifies as VC. Just sayin!

  12. Bubu Avatar

    How did you arrive at the $35 million acquisition figure. That seems a tad high. Also Growthworks invested $900k into them. That hardly qualifies as VC. Just sayin!

    1. Jevon Avatar

      Sure it is VC, as GW in particular has the ability to follow-on.

  13. […] reported by the Startup North blog, the news was later confirmed by Sysomos, although their blog comment and tweet have both since […]

  14. […] reported by the Startup North blog, the news was later confirmed by Sysomos, although their blog comment and tweet have both since […]

  15. […] distribution company Marketwire. The terms as of this writing have not yet been disclosed, but StartupNorth is reporting that the deal should be somewhere between $25 and $35 million. LOVE IT! Harrison […]

  16. […] distribution company Marketwire. The terms as of this writing have not yet been disclosed, but StartupNorth is reporting that the deal should be somewhere between $25 and $35 million. LOVE IT! Harrison […]

  17. nickshin Avatar

    Disclosure: I am the SEM and Social Media Specialist @Marketwire.
    We are extremely excited about the Sysomos acquisition. We are focused on providing our customers innovative, useful, and impactful resources. We are most than just a newswire, we're a communications platform.

    We are extremely excited about the Sysomos acquisition. Marketwire has always been focused on providing our customers with innovative, useful, and impactful resources that help them exceed their communication goals. We’re much more than ‘just a newswire’, we’re a communications platform, and this combo is awesome.
    Nick @shinng

  18. […] Rumors of social media monitoring and analytics startup Sysomos’ acquisition by Marketwire swirled in the blogosphere yesterday, but today it’s been made official. In a blog post on […]

  19. […] Rumors of social media monitoring and analytics startup Sysomos’ acquisition by Marketwire swirled in the blogosphere yesterday, but today it’s been made official. In a blog post on […]

  20. Marketwire Avatar

    Disclosure: I am the SEM and Social Media Specialist @Marketwire.

    We are extremely excited about the Sysomos acquisition. Marketwire has always been focused on providing our customers with innovative, useful, and impactful resources that help them exceed their communication goals. We’re much more than ‘just a newswire’, we’re a communications platform, and this combo is awesome.

    Nick @shinng

  21. […] Rumors of social media monitoring and analytics startup Sysomos’ acquisition by Marketwire swirled in the blogosphere yesterday, but today it’s been made official. In a blog post on Sysomos’ […]

  22. […] Rumors of social media monitoring and analytics startup Sysomos’ acquisition by Marketwire swirled in the blogosphere yesterday, but today it’s been made official. In a blog post on Sysomos’ […]

  23. […] of social media monitoring and analytics startup Sysomos’ acquisition by Marketwire swirled in the blogosphere yesterday, but today it’s been made official. In a blog post on […]

  24. […] of social media monitoring and analytics startup Sysomos’ acquisition by Marketwire swirled in the blogosphere yesterday, but today it’s been made official. In a blog post on […]

  25. Jevon Avatar

    Sure it is VC, as GW in particular has the ability to follow-on.

  26. […] i termini dell’accordo non siano stati resi noti, il blog specializzato Startup North ritiene che in base ai livelli di finanziamento che Marketwire ha ottenuto dai Venture Capital la […]

  27. […] i termini dell’accordo non siano stati resi noti, il blog specializzato Startup North ritiene che in base ai livelli di finanziamento che Marketwire ha ottenuto dai Venture Capital la […]

  28. Laptop batteries Avatar

    Sysomos has made rapid progress since taking investment and has managed to consistently raise the bar of social media monitoring standards.

  29. tomob Avatar

    OK, anyone want to put some detail around the $25 MM number – which seems WAY TOO HIGH to me.


  30. tomob Avatar

    OK, anyone want to put some detail around the $25 MM number – which seems WAY TOO HIGH to me.


  31. […] began as a research project at the University of Toronto at the same Lab as both BumpTop and Sysomos, two other recent success stories out of […]

  32. […] began as a research project at the University of Toronto at the same Lab as both BumpTop and Sysomos, two other recent success stories out of […]

  33. […] began as a research project at the University of Toronto at the same Lab as both BumpTop and Sysomos, to other recent success stories out of […]

  34. […] began as a research project at the University of Toronto at the same Lab as both BumpTop and Sysomos, to other recent success stories out of […]

  35. […] fiscal second quarter ending July 31, 2011. The deal follows MarketWire’s acquisition of Toronto-based social media monitoring company Sysomos in July […]

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