- Apps4good is taking place today! Iphone app development for Charity. #halifax and #saskatoon http://bit.ly/cTKCgk #
- The last #apps4good app was MeetMeHere– which is a lot more useful than 4sq imo http://bit.ly/5ANNi8 #
- Budgeting for entrepreneurs @fredwilson Early Stage http://bit.ly/cA591w Growth http://bit.ly/bQ12FR Large http://bit.ly/aO2iwV #mustread #
- marketing 101 for VCs RT @startupcfo: The VC Branding Problem http://bit.ly/bDQ4kb #
- Network hippo on This Week in Startups http://bit.ly/cHaApH #
- RT @chrisarsenault: Great article on @theC100: Canucks in the Valley http://bit.ly/duhEXN #canada #startups #c100 #
- RT @startupcfo @chrisarsenault: Take-home @theC100: Forget about Canadian Brain Drain. Build on Canadian Brain Flow. It's our edge. #CVCA #
- RT @aprildunford: blog post: Top 5 customer retention marketing tactics http://bit.ly/9XwUIn #
- RT @bhorowitz: How Andreessen Horowitz Evaluates CEOs: http://wp.me/pSsBB-7F #mustread #
- RT @aprildunford: Blog post: Selling vs. Buying: A Marketing Wake-up Call http://bit.ly/cfXJZr #prodmgmt #marketing #
- RT @ExtremeVP: 3 left days to submit your application to ExtremeU: http://bit.ly/aLQtVN office space, funding & mentoring! #startups #
- New job posted: SharePoint Developer / Questrade / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/99xNWT #
- New job posted: Intermediate Web Developer / Questrade / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/9yGo7s #
- RT @johnphilipgreen: Last month, @LearnHub had over 1M visitors and 3M pageviews, 34th most popular site in India. http://bit.ly/aXX6bb #
- New job posted: Lead Web Application Developer / Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/97tc7f #
- RT @Igniter: democamp dates can be great development targets. #
- RT @kristinematulis: Blog Post: Less is More (but too little is not enough) http://ow.ly/1qzowy #VC #angel #startup #pitch #advice #
- RT @DeanPrelazzi: Startups! Great opportunity to show off your products to the tech community!!! Launch Party Vancouver http://ow.ly/1TdC5 #
- RT @Brydon: son I realize you're only 7 but I'll be honest with you, you're on your own until I can finish raising my #startup ..#parenting #
- New job posted: Technical Product Manager / NexJ Systems Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/aQnl2c #
- New job posted: iPhone / iPad Developer / Vortex Mobile / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/bVY7Ar #
- New job posted: QA Lead / Vortex Mobile / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/9LpLLg #
- New job posted: BlackBerry / Android Developer / Vortex Mobile / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/chH2Xm #
- New job posted: Information Architect / UX Designer / Vortex Mobile / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/dAI7rt #
- Today (June 4, 2010) is deadline to apply for ExtremeU http://bit.ly/aLQtVN read my opinion on way you should apply http://bit.ly/cBIRHT #
- RT @msuster: CEO of @grockit, @Farbood Nivi gives great advice on raising angel money & VC http://bit.ly/9LHR6G #
- New job posted: Database Developer (Business Intelligence Software Company) / Client of Grossman Dorland Recruitme… http://bit.ly/bwFFsn #
- RT @StartupEdmonton: Startup Weekend is coming to Edmonton June 25-27th. It's going to be awesome! http://bit.ly/SWEdmonton #yeg #startup #
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