- New job posted: Actionscript 3.0 Developer / Slightly Social / London, ON, Canada ($250 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/dyzv0W #
- RT @ryanmckegney: Sooo really big news! We 've sold the company! http://bit.ly/dtdr3U more at http://bit.ly/cls1Iz #
- More from @techcrunch on the YPG acquisition of @RedFlagDeals http://tcrn.ch/chwYpT #
- RT @sgblank: No Accounting For Startups: http://wp.me/prGQZ-1iy #mustread #
- All young entrepreneurs should read this http://bit.ly/c8BFVF by @jason about pay-to-play fundraising (it happens here) #
- RT @johnelton @adventurista: Why aren’t there more women in startups? Some new data. http://bit.ly/aY5Uzs (new blog post) /cc @leilaboujnane #
- RT @rayluk: @StartupDrinksCA Wed, Feb 24 St. John, Moncton, Ott, Calgary, Mtl, Toronto! Click here for details http://bit.ly/9Ggyg4 #
- New job posted: Senior Application Security Consultant / Security Compass / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/bZM0Vq #
- New job posted: Social Media Mastermind and Community Evangelist / Wattpad / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/a1vdG4 #
- RT @robjama [BLOG] Sneakerplay: The Startup Story part 1 — I've waited a year to tell this story. http://bit.ly/9tIIyj #
- Getting a job at a startup is more difficult than getting the same job at a larger company. And for less money. #
- New job posted: Senior Product Manager, GigPark / Canpages Inc. / Vancouver, BC, Canada http://bit.ly/cahHU3 #
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