Week in Review


6 responses to “Week in Review”

  1. Schwabe Avatar

    There is also a DemoCamp in Calgary tonight and one Edmonton in tomorrow:

  2. Jonas Avatar

    Thanks for the reminders! Tweeted.

  3. Schwabe Avatar

    There is also a DemoCamp in Calgary tonight and one Edmonton in tomorrow:

    1. Jonas Avatar

      Thanks for the reminders! Tweeted.

  4. jessica Avatar

    Gna just share my views from top to bottom as I see them.
    I feel this is a good simply because it’s consistent with how the user is used to seeing the comment form and filling out information in general. Filling out the name and email wont take me much time, and if you really wanted to go ahead and type the comment first, you can do so, not really that big of a work around. I’m .
    latest technology trends

  5. jessica Avatar

    Gna just share my views from top to bottom as I see them.
    I feel this is a good simply because it’s consistent with how the user is used to seeing the comment form and filling out information in general. Filling out the name and email wont take me much time, and if you really wanted to go ahead and type the comment first, you can do so, not really that big of a work around. I’m .
    latest technology trends

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