- Alberta innovates innovation through innovation http://bit.ly/5Q2k9Q #
- RT @Desix Nice article about pricing models – gets you thinking in the right way if nothing else: http://bit.ly/4qX792 #
- New job posted: Marketing Manager / Kryptiva inc. / Sherbrooke, QC, Canada http://bit.ly/860yks #
- Great opportunity for an Entrepreneur-In-Residence in Vancouver with @bwertz http://bit.ly/69gEE5 #consumer #internet #ventures #
- The Innovation Age Bias at Sequoia Capital http://bit.ly/8j2ECn Innovator <30 while us old folk, >30 are ok for management #
- RT @CVCACanada VC's on the move: @rogerchabra moves from GrowthWorks Capital to Rho Canada (Rho Ventures) #
- Pre-launch marketing for stealthy startups http://bit.ly/6QTGXM by @aprildunford #marketing #
- #DemoCamp Toronto 25 – Silver Anniversary Edition with @gchahal + @albertupdates http://bit.ly/4BCRCm on Jan 27, 2010 #dct25 #
- RT @afrognthevalley: StartupCamp Québec City all day event January 19th 2010 (I'm planning on attending) – # bit.ly/7THzFC #startups #canada #
- Apps4good gets some press! http://bit.ly/7VsbPL #
- RT @innovacorp: Recession is over ! Or is it ? http://innovacorp.ca/bob-recession #
- RT @phankinson: In case you missed it, TetherBerry is now Tether and is now for sale on BlackBerry App World: http://bit.ly/4Gi1hq #
- RT @leilaboujnane: in case you missed it: In addition to the 66 million images added to TinEye in Dec, we added 25 million today. #TinEye #
- Is entrepreneurship a management sciences? http://bit.ly/800XDI by @ericreis on @HarvardBiz #
- RT @camlinke: DemoCamp Edmonton 10 set for January 27th. See you there! http://bit.ly/8A5jpd #democampyeg #democamp #yeg #
- RT @bwertz: Congrats, well deserved! RT @maurar: Way to go @invoker! @HootSuite Raises $1.9M For Social Media Dashboard: http://tr.im/JPM6 #
- RT @propelict: How to Protect Directors on Your Startup’s Board – Startups often desire to shield members of their board http://ow.ly/16ixlV #
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