- RT @startupcfo: This is why most startups should not bother pitching big VC funds http://bit.ly/1hc8r #startups #vc #pitching #
- RT @TTaxChels: Hey startups – have any tax questions you'd like help with? I'm looking for tips for a blog post I'm pulling together. LMK. #
- RT @eastcoastcanada: StartUpDrinks Halifax is on tonight Dec 21 – inaugural event for the #hfx startup community http://bit.ly/1pbpCp #
- Ten questions to ask yourself every month http://bit.ly/7SdRzh by @asmartbear #startups #bizplan #
- The Great Abdication: Consumer Internet, Venture Capital and Angels http://bit.ly/8D4gM8 #startups < sounds a lot like Canada #
- New York Startup Movement http://bit.ly/4D53YL #nyc #startups great list of manhattan startups, vcs, and events #
- More seed incubators in SF with The Start Project http://bit.ly/8Pybgg and http://bit.ly/7EWdcy #startups #incubators #
- RT @davemcclure: Startup Metamorphosis: ITERATE: learn, discover prod/mkt fit -> EXECUTE: grow, make $$$ http://bit.ly/4ngNsN by @sgblank #
- Games industry VC investment down 35% in 2009 http://bit.ly/4vs2z7 #hopeful #2010 #
- RT @SteveCase Start-Ups Are Poised to Get Cash in 2010 (WSJ) http://bit.ly/8caS1v #startups #2010 #
- RT @wattechnews Accelerator Centre Client DossierView Closes $750K Financing Round http://bit.ly/7CkAhk #waterloo #startup #
- Interested in what it means to be a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation? http://bit.ly/6mIQv8 #
- W Media Ventures predictions for 2010 – http://bit.ly/5v0Cen #
- once bitten, twice shy – http://howardlindzon.com/?p=4632 #
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