Month: December 2009

  • Just being a web startup shouldn't be good enough for you


    A few weeks ago I posted my thoughts on what being a startup should really be about.

    I know some people don’t like posts like that, because it goes against the "you rock!" back-patting mentality of a room full of entrepreneurs. But it seems just having a website is often good enough to get all the congratulations you want.

    Of course, I love cheerleaders.

    People who connect startups to people they need to know and who they can work with. Anyone can tell you that when I like a startup, I love them. I make phone calls, introductions, and provide whatever help I can. I never get paid for it, I just do what I can.

    The truth though, is that being a web business is a lot different than it used to be and the formula is changing. You can no longer just be the online-version of a bookstore or anything else. You have to compete on the web with other retailers, service providers, and products.

    Just because you can do something on the web doesn’t mean you should.

    It is easier than ever to get things started and to manage the costs of being a web startup, but it is harder than ever to get distribution. The Facebook App mania and the mass migration to the iPhone give you an idea of the thirst for distribution that developers have right now. If you get to the distribution channel early, and you build something that is perfectly timed, then you can win in the short term.

    In the long term however, aggregators arise, and distribution gets consolidated. This same race is the one that killed movie producers decades ago, and indie game developers more recently. As Jonas pointed out, managing costs is only a small part of the equation.

    Building something on the web is still the best place to do it.

    • The web reduces costs.
    • The web gives you direct and wide distribution.
    • The web gives you more opportunities for scale.

    But as I pointed out, those things do not come as easily as they used to, and all of the stories and advice you have heard in the last 10 years have a timer on them. They are quickly becoming irrelevant.

    People put a premium on speed right now, it is called Shiny Object Syndrome and it has been very real both in the market and with entrepreneurs. Building on the web is no longer going to be about being first and being quick, it is going to be about being better and being reliable.

    Don’t get caught building something because it is quick, easy, and the distribution is free.

    Those aren’t good enough reasons anymore.

  • Week in Review

  • Seed State of Mind

    Seed investments into cohorts of startups (think: Y Combinator, TechStars) are popping up across Canada. And there is sure there is to be more to come…

    On the tail of the ExtremeU class of three in 2009:

    • Assetize enables social network users to monetize their accounts.
    • Uken creates highly addictive social games.
    • Locationary aims to be the World’s place database.

    Bootup Labs has announced a class of six for January 2010:

    • Blast Ramp is collaborative distribution platform for companies that sell and ship consumer products.
    • Compass Engine helps developers create the next generation of location based games.
    • FoodTree brings the community and transparency of the farmers market online.
    • ReadFu brings contextual summaries for every link.
    • is a device-independent lifestream aggregator with focus on personalized customization and filtering.
    • Zedmo lets you find events and social topics. Discover “channels” according to location, popularity, or topic.

    It is great to see these initiatives taking shape, if not a small exodus of founders would continue to head south in search of more fertile startup pastures. Case in point: Toronto’s Christopher Golda and Mike Montano, who were recruited to participate in Y Combinator, created BackType, and received Series A funding from True Ventures.

    As exciting as this investment activity is, the question remains: is it sustainable?

    In terms of ROI, seed stage investing is notoriously difficult. Run the numbers yourself Johnny Appleseed: small amounts of capital + dozens of companies to manage investments in + just three months to build something = lots of work – uncertain returns. The challenges are compounded if the ecosystem lacks investment capital for follow on financing, in which case these projects might die on the vine.

    So here is hoping that in 2010, and I strongly believe this will be the case, Angels continue to step up to the plate to bankroll months 4-12 and VCs make a triumphant return to Canada.

  • StartupDrinks Halifax #1 – Tonight

    If you are in Halifax tonight, come to the Loose Cannon for StartupDrinks. This is the first of what will hopefully be a regular set of startup community events in Halifax in the coming year.

    I’ll be there to meet some new people and talk startups.

    Thanks to Jeff White for making this happen.

  • Week in Review

  • Exits – Laying the foundations for maximum company value

    Entrepreneurs launch, employees get involved, and investors invest in start-ups for a variety of reasons and motivations. Underlying each group’s individual motivations is a desire/dream of hitting it big with an exit and getting a cash out for the hard work and belief placed in the company. It’s clearly in everybody’s best interest to ensure the company receives the maximum possible value as a result of the exit. But what is the best way to do this and when does this work need to start? To find out more, I spoke with Jim Pullen, partner at Concert Partners. Jim helps advise entrepreneurs on how to engineer value into a company to maximize exit potential. He also leads workshops on planning for exits given by the ISCM Investment Network. Previously he was managing director at Regent Associates, a European company specializing in mergers and acquisitions for technology companies where he worked in London and then Boston.

    A few years ago, Regent Associates did a study of 250 M&A transactions that they were involved with in the technology space over a span of 8 years. This covered transactions in Europe, US, and Canada. Specifically they wanted to find out the key areas that buyers looked for in a transaction so they could better advise their clients on how they could best position themselves to drive a higher exit valuation. Based on this study, they developed a framework as to how they could rank and assess a company on various factors that were proven to drive exit valuation. “A good example of this framework in action is with a client that had approached us wanting to be sold,” says Jim. “We reviewed the company against the framework and felt they would be undervalued based on low scores against some of the framework areas. We advised them to develop these areas of their business and then come back to us. The company successfully improved themselves and when they came back to us 18 months later we were able to sell them for a 40% premium over the valuation we felt they would have received when they first approached us”.

    The various categories of the framework are described below. When working with clients Jim typically scores the company in each factor in the framework. These scores are compared to a company’s peers to help focus on the areas where the company can improve on to optimize the value a buyer will see in the company.


    This category includes basic financial metrics such as profitability and revenue growth. Companies with high profit margins and high rates of revenue growth will obviously command a higher valuation.

    Other aspects include the type of revenues a company generates. Due to their nature, recurring revenues can add to the valuation of a company as it makes the company’s cash flow more predictable. “The SaaS model is the example most technology entrepreneurs would think of in terms of a recurring revenue business model,” says Jim. ?“However, even if the company does not have a business model that supports SaaS, they can look to adapt their model to provide more recurring revenues. For example, a company that sells big ticket one-off products could look to build up more of an offering around maintenance and post-sales services for their product where they can sign their clients into multi-year maintenance contracts. This will give the company more of a recurring revenue stream and insulate them from a peaky revenue steam.”

    “Companies with strong cash generation are also more attractive to buyers,” says Jim. “Such a company can take on more debt that can be used to finance growth. It also makes a leveraged buy-out an exit possibility.”

    Market & barriers to entry

    In this category the factors include the strength of customer relationship and degree of uniqueness the company enjoys in its market. “Companies that have a direct and strong relationship with the end users/purchasers of their product will get a higher exit valuation,” says Jim. “If a company sells through a channel and fails to build up a relationship with the end client, they run the risk of the channel swapping them out for another product that may offer the channel partner a better financial relationship. Even if they sell through channel partners, it is important for companies to build up strong relationships with end users.”

    “We have also found that a company’s brand plays a large role in the value a buyer is willing to place on a company,” says Jim. “We have found that a strong brand can make up to 70% of the value in a company. Companies should proactively cultivate their brand to ensure they are recognized and well regarded in their space.”

    In terms of barriers to entry, companies should use many mechanisms to defend their position. This can include things such as legal protection though patents and trademarks, relationships through exclusive arrangements with key suppliers, and internal expertise through strategic hiring. “Anything a company can do to make it harder for competitors to enter their space will help command a premium on valuation,” states Jim.

    Human resources

    In the category of human resources, the model looks at both technical skills and management skills. “In the early stages of a start-up the founders are the key people that have the technical skillset to drive innovation and the leadership qualities to drive the company forward,” says Jim. “As companies grow, it is important to distribute these skillsets deeper across the company. Often after an exit, the founders will want to leave, either since they have the largest financial gain or they just prefer to be entrepreneurs rather than work in a large corporation. As such, a buyer will place a premium on a deep management team where the company can continue to innovate and execute even with the loss of the founders.”

    Strategic fit

    This factor relates to the degree that the company that is being acquired is a strategic fit into the buyer’s product portfolio. “We have seen cases where buyers are willing to pay a 50%-70% price premium for a company that fills out a missing piece of the buyer’s product portfolio and gives them access to the IP and expertise of the company they are acquiring,” says Jim. “That being said, companies should not lose sight of their customers and try to build a company that serves the needs of a few companies they feel may acquire them. There is always the risk the targeted buyers will acquire another company or develop something internally. Partnerships are an excellent way to lay the foundation with a potential buyer. A partnership is a low-commitment way that a potential buyer can start to get deeper experience with a company. If things work out well and strategic synergies start to develop then this can help lead to a deeper relationship such as exclusive arrangement or acquisition.”


    The last factor involves good governance. “We have found that a strong board of directors can add a 25% premium to the value of a company,” says Jim. “This is due to the buyer having more assurance that the company was well governed and there will be no unexpected surprises the buyer needs to deal with.”

    This talk has focused mainly on an exit via an acquisition because this is the most likely exit scenario. “Even in the 90’s when IPOs were more frequent, we found an exit by acquisition was 15 times more likely than IPO,” says Jim. “In this scenario, companies received valuations in the range of 0.5x to 3x revenue or 8x to 20x EBITDA. These are large potential ranges since the valuation of a private company is very subjective. As such, it is important for start-ups to be aware of the factors that drive exit valuation and to ensure they are building these up as they grow their company. The more deeply rooted that these factors are in a company will put the company in a stronger position once they start to attract acquisition interest.”

    Good advice indeed. Whether you are an entrepreneur or investor, if you rank your start-up that you are involved with across these factors, there are probably going to be a few areas you identify that can be strengthened. Starting to strengthen these areas now will help the company operationally in the short term and also provide benefit in the long term by building in stronger value that a buyer will place on the company.

    craig at

  • Founders & Funders – Feb 15, 2010

    founders and funders Logo It’s time to for another Founders & Funders event in Toronto. I can’t believe it’s been 18 months since the last event in June 2008. The next event is scheduled for Februrary 15, 2010 in downtown Toronto. We’re looknig for a few good startups and a few good investors. We’ll be sending out invitations early in the new year, but we want to start with an open call for participation.

    What is Founders & Funders?

    Founders & Funders is an invitation only social event for people that start high potential growth companies and the people that fund them. This means entrepreneurs. This means angel investors. This means venture capitalists. This means government funders. It is a curated dinner party. The idea is to get stuck at a table with others interested in emerging technology, growth companies. Have meaningful conversations beyond the usual conference hallway chatter or pitch sessions. The goal is to create stronger, more relevant connections between individuals in this community.

    Who should attend?

    Founders of high potential growth companies. This means companies that are at varying stages of corporate development, ranging from the very new to the more established. Digital media. Internet. Software applications. Enterprise applications. Infrastructure. Data centre automation. Mobile. Clean tech. Yes, you should consider attending. However, you should be looking to raise capital in near future.

    Funders of high potential growth companies. Venture capitalists in Ontario, Quebec, New York, Boston, California, and around the globe. There are attendees that are actively seeking capital, with outstanding track records and attractive valuations. Angel investors, definitely. You’re the backbone of Canadian deal. We’re reaching out separately to National Angel Capital Organization and to Maple Leaf Angels to invite investors (by active I mean that you’ve written an investment cheque in the past 18 months).

    How can I participate?

    We’re asking everyone interested in participating complete an application. The goal is to gather enough details that we can share with others, i.e., founders details will be compiled and shared with investors, investor details will be shared with founders. (Yes, I know that form doesn’t specify this use of the data, each invited attendee will be asked this question and given the opportunity to revise their details. If we don’t invite you, the information will be purged after the event).

  • Microsoft acquires Opalis

    OpalisLogo Microsoft has acquired Mississauga-based Opalis. Details are available on the System Center blog and on TechNet. Rick Segal provides a summary of the investor involved, Peter Carrescia at VenGrowth. VenGrowth had invested $3.6M in March 2004 and had participated in an $8.5M round in November 2005 with Sierra Ventures & BDC. It’s a story for Canadian venture capital and a great story for entrepreneurs.

    It also demonstrates some of the main reasons companies like Microsoft make acquisitions: shared customers. There is nothing greater than shared customers to drive a potential acquisition. When a product offering fills a gap in a companies product line and there are shared customers, it becomes a much stronger conversation about acquisition.

    “Opalis has over 300 satisfied customers today, including many of the largest IT Managed Service Providers, demanding customers who deliver IT as a business and expect solutions that deliver results for their customers…Combined with Opalis, System Center will be able to interoperate with all of those legacy tools so customers can take a ‘land and migrate’ approach with Microsoft versus a ‘rip and replace’ approach as they build out their next generation virtualized data centers” – Todd DeLaughter

    Here’s hoping that the Opalis team will stay in Mississauga, however, Microsoft tends to like to have the talent in Redmond. Congratulations Opalis, VenGrowth and BDC on a win.

  • C'mon Meat, throw me that weak-ass shit!

    Crash Davis: Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.
    Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: [to himself] What’s this guy know about pitching? If he’s so good how come he’s been in the minors for the last ten years?

    I guess this makes me Crash Davis, ten years in the minors, makes me wonder when my Waterworld is coming (so please make sure you take any feedback with the appropriate sense of pending doom).

    “Open challenge to local startups to “pitch” for a meeting in a 140 characters or less in the comments (more realistically less than 420 characters – basically 3 tweets).”

    In response to my Pitching Fastballs post on StartupNorth (reblogged), Trevor and Karim from Big Time Design have answered my open challenge, along with a bunch of others in the comments. Along with Scott Annan and Tim Harris.

    Big Time Radar


    big time Radar is: Discreet, targeted messaging; customers ask for it & you deliver via Live Messenger, Twitter, SMS, email & Facebook from one interface.

    Big time’s management team consists of three guys from marketing, design and development backgrounds.  Radar’s market opportunity is massive for anyone in the marketplace looking to use social media to sell, communicate and connect with their customers.  Initially, we plan to focus on four verticals: retail, events, media and real estate.  Our pricing model is segmented by number of users and selected features. We are currently in the beta phase (with very positive initial results) and are bootstrapping rather than looking for funding as our overhead cost is negligible. 


    This is a great approach to layered information. The piece that is missing for me is the separation between Big Time Design and Big Time Radar. I’m assuming Radar is a product offering of Big Time Design. That coupled with I’m curious at the benefit of the solution, i.e., it sounds like a multi-channel replacement for MailChip or Constant Contact, i.e., email marketing that uses social media for notification beyond just email. A little more clarity about how it fits with respect to these other offerings might be helpful.

    Network Hippo


    Network Hippo is a smart address book for startups and professionals. It combines and scrubs contact information from dozens of sources, finds more info about them on the web and social networks, plugins into your email, and alerts you when – and who – you should contact. It’s a smarter, personal, social CRM. We’ll replace Highrise completely & Salesforce’s smallest customers.


    I also like the one provided on Network Hippo’s home page , “Network Hippo is a powerful and unique network relationship application that puts your professional network to work. We help professionals and small businesses build their network, identify their most valuable contacts, remind them when somebody needs a call, and track deals for their business.” It’s very clear who the product is for, what the product does, and who are the competitors. I would like a little more detail on the differentiator, i.e., what makes Network Hippo special?

    Star Return


    Star Return links out door media to rich media content on handheld apps via web services, while providing advertisers with solid analytics to evaluate effectiveness and viral affects of their campaigns.


    I’m still not sure how Star Return links outdoor media to rich media content (I’m assuming that this is online content). I still don’t actually know what Star Return does. Jumping on the Interwebs, I find “We are Star Return. We allow you to download information to your mobile device, related to products, places, people and businesses.” and “Star Return puts a new twist on information access. Users – anytime, anywhere can now access information on restaurants, stores, products, sporting events, concerts, bands, real-estate and much much more.” My guess is that it’s for billboards?

  • Week in Review