We have maple syrup and beer

I was reading Anil Dash’s New York City is the Future of the Web post over the weekend, and there is a great list of startups (and funders) based in NYC. The list is pretty impressive starting with the money folks including Union Square Ventures and Fred Wilson to Founders Collective and Chris Dixon. The startups Foursquare, Hunch, Etsy, Kickstarter, and 20×200. I was starting to think that the grass might be greener in NYC. But I was reminded of the great things going on in Canada when I was redirected to the 2009 Canadian New Media Awards finalists.


There is a great list of companies that are finalists for the CNMA. You can round this list out with the great list of companies announced as part of the CIX Top 20.  There are a lot of great Canadian startups that continue to execute, find customers, and raise their profiles internationally.

These companies show the breadth of solution and corporate development of the Canadian startups. The startups are spread across the country, but entrepreneurs in Canada are building great things. Feeling good about the state of startups, hoping that Canadian funding scene continues to evolve, and that these companies continue to have the opportunities to change the world.


11 responses to “We have maple syrup and beer”

  1. William Mougayar Avatar

    Very well said. We have to keep rewarding and displaying what's in here, and continue making tighter connections within the Canadian startup ecosystem. Having a startup in Canada has its advantages. We have to harness them.

  2. William Mougayar Avatar

    Very well said. We have to keep rewarding and displaying what’s in here, and continue making tighter connections within the Canadian startup ecosystem. Having a startup in Canada has its advantages. We have to harness them.

    1. davidcrow Avatar


      It was great to see the Eqentia demo last night. Connections are important to our community. It is the network which enables the transactions and exchange of value.

  3. Evan Jones Avatar

    Thanks for the nod and we couldn't agree more – the Canadian startup scene has just as many reasons to celebrate and I look forward to 2010 as a great year to demonstrate it!

  4. Evan Jones Avatar

    Thanks for the nod and we couldn't agree more – the Canadian startup scene has just as many reasons to celebrate and I look forward to 2010 as a great year to demonstrate it!

  5. Evan Jones Avatar

    Thanks for the nod and we couldn’t agree more – the Canadian startup scene has just as many reasons to celebrate and I look forward to 2010 as a great year to demonstrate it!

    1. davidcrow Avatar

      Evan you’re doing great stuff. It was great to see you on Tuesday night. Hope to catch up more often than just at SxSW 😉

  6. Evan Jones Avatar

    Thanks for the nod and we couldn’t agree more – the Canadian startup scene has just as many reasons to celebrate and I look forward to 2010 as a great year to demonstrate it!

  7. xian tour Avatar

    yes , I don't agree with you more !
    Our website is http://www.travel-xian.com

  8. davidcrow Avatar


    It was great to see the Eqentia demo last night. Connections are important to our community. It is the network which enables the transactions and exchange of value.

  9. davidcrow Avatar

    Evan you're doing great stuff. It was great to see you on Tuesday night. Hope to catch up more often than just at SxSW 😉

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