StartupDrinks – July 29, 2009


DemoCamp Toronto 21 is sold out! But that is no reason that startups in Toronto shouldn’t get together.

Raymond Luk from Flow Ventures will be in town for DemoCamp and suggested that we host an informal StartupDrinks event the night that immediately after. July 29, 2009 coincides with the next Montreal StartupDrinks and for Ray it maximizes his time in Toronto to meet entrepreneurs and hear about the great things going on in this city.

What is StartupDrinks?

A simple concept: startup culture in cities around the world gathers around a bar to have a pint and discuss what they are working on, what they need help with and what they can do for each other.

Basically, the idea is that if you are involved in a startup or looking to get into a tech startup, come have a drink, meet new people and discuss startups. No rules, no keynotes, no schedules, no sponsors, nothing fancy, just some plain good old drinks, great people, hopefully good weather, hopefully awesome startups to talk about 🙂

Where is StartupDrinks Toronto?

The location is still up in the air. It’s looking like it will be at Pogue Mahones at 777 Bay St starting at 7pm.

Where do I register?

Really simple. Sign up for the Canadian Startups! Facebook Group and then RSVP on the event page.


5 responses to “StartupDrinks – July 29, 2009”

  1. ivy Avatar

    thanks for the info, by the way if anyone here is interested with split testing, please check out TestiVar thanks.

  2. ivy Avatar

    thanks for the info, by the way if anyone here is interested with split testing, please check out TestiVar thanks.

  3. ivy Avatar

    thanks for the info, by the way if anyone here is interested with split testing, please check out TestiVar thanks.

  4. […] from FlowVentures planned to be in Toronto this week for DemoCamp Toronto ed. 21; thus was born the idea of having Toronto StartupDrinks, in the same evening as the one in […]

  5. […] from FlowVentures planned to be in Toronto this week for DemoCamp Toronto ed. 21; thus was born the idea of having Toronto StartupDrinks, in the same evening as the one in […]

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