Porn Shops and Tech – Toronto's Silicon Valley

Startup activity in Canada stalling? VC investment dying?

Well folks, problem solved.

050829lIt’s hard to know what to say about efforts like this. I guess that where I believe physical clusters are a sign of success, government officials and universities believe that they are a precursor to success. To that end, more money is being spent building the new Silicon Valley North, this time it is smack in the middle of the porn shop and peepshow strip in Toronto.

Pun intended?

What frustrates me the most about things like this, and other projects is that I know there are smart people working within government who understand what technology, software and web startups need, but as those people plug away trying to help startups, programs and projects like this are announced that undermine everything the smart folks have done.

Everyone wants to go big right away. To hit a grand-slam home-run if only we can just build the right building, or create the right program. There is no evidence however that any of this stuff has ever worked before.

If beaurocrats and politicians want to have an impact here, then the reality of what needs to be done will be a lot less glamorous. It means Democamp’s at the Imperial Pub and StartupEmpire‘s at cheap nightclubs.

The only good part of this announcement is that Ryerson is in on the action. I think that school is great and a place that turns out hard workers and great entrepreneurs.

In the end, it doesn’t matter, Toronto’s tech community (for whom I am not the voice, but just one voice) has long given up on government programs and venture capital. We have focused on getting really good at finding the winners early on, and we are going to start capitalizing on that skill soon. We have to.

So, the next time you walk up Yonge Street looking for a Kabab or a fake ID, take a look around and imagine, for just one second, what an office on the top floor of Zanzibar would be like.


17 responses to “Porn Shops and Tech – Toronto's Silicon Valley”

  1. heri Avatar

    from the article, it seems that the initiative is lead by universities, not by government.

    Jevon, also from my point of view, it seems you are a bit pessimistic, even though there hasn’t been any work started yet. or maybe, you’re not saying everything.

    (just saying, ’cause in Quebec, we can’t even get universities to get interested in tech entrepreneurship or events like camps at all, so people in Toronto are kinda lucky)

  2. heri Avatar

    from the article, it seems that the initiative is lead by universities, not by government.

    Jevon, also from my point of view, it seems you are a bit pessimistic, even though there hasn’t been any work started yet. or maybe, you’re not saying everything.

    (just saying, ’cause in Quebec, we can’t even get universities to get interested in tech entrepreneurship or events like camps at all, so people in Toronto are kinda lucky)

  3. Ian Tuck Avatar
    Ian Tuck

    I thought the Zanzibar was topless.

  4. Ian Tuck Avatar
    Ian Tuck

    I thought the Zanzibar was topless.

    1. kevin Avatar

      It’s all nude baby, all nude! ‘Topless’ is an american thing…

  5. kevin Avatar

    It's all nude baby, all nude! 'Topless' is an american thing…

  6. Marty Avatar

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  7. Ross Avatar

    The events that Startup North puts out are great, but the entrepreneurial community is only one part of the cluster. We *need* academic institutions to adapt to new technologies and business models, and I see nothing but good for the city (and the country) coming out of a centrally-located expanded new media program at Ryerson. This adds to the OCAD DFI program already in the works; we now have two such programs that will be attracting research dollars and students to the downtown core. I’m going to be able to hire those students into my startup, and collaborate on new research programs. Sounds fantastic to me!

  8. Ross Avatar

    The events that Startup North puts out are great, but the entrepreneurial community is only one part of the cluster. We *need* academic institutions to adapt to new technologies and business models, and I see nothing but good for the city (and the country) coming out of a centrally-located expanded new media program at Ryerson. This adds to the OCAD DFI program already in the works; we now have two such programs that will be attracting research dollars and students to the downtown core. I'm going to be able to hire those students into my startup, and collaborate on new research programs. Sounds fantastic to me!

  9. Max Cameron Avatar

    Interesting post. I find it hilarious that these huge entities think they’re going to do something productive. Really what they’re going to do is waste millions in time and money and inhibit intelligent people from really becoming good devs. They really don’t get it do they?

    We don’t need them. They’re big slow clunky entities that think they can get in this game. Seriously, you want to make an iPhone app? buy a book. Don’t waste your time treading the murky waters of corporate education and stifling bureaucracy.

    The tech scene in toronto is already awesome, full of bright young people going out on their own. And this scene is only awesome because of the hard work we put in every day.

    Thanks for your thoughts, I’m definitely going to reference this article in the post that I feel I must write.

  10. Max Cameron Avatar

    Interesting post. I find it hilarious that these huge entities think they're going to do something productive. Really what they're going to do is waste millions in time and money and inhibit intelligent people from really becoming good devs. They really don't get it do they?

    We don't need them. They're big slow clunky entities that think they can get in this game. Seriously, you want to make an iPhone app? buy a book. Don't waste your time treading the murky waters of corporate education and stifling bureaucracy.

    The tech scene in toronto is already awesome, full of bright young people going out on their own. And this scene is only awesome because of the hard work we put in every day.

    Thanks for your thoughts, I'm definitely going to reference this article in the post that I feel I must write.

  11. Durward Sobek Avatar

    Toronto is really growing well and demonstrating the best from the public to express human nature and potentials; what ever these are..

  12. turbanli pornosu Avatar


    really great post thank loved this blog

  13. girl_stripping Avatar

    thanks for this post.I like it.

  14. tiberiu84 Avatar

    I fell you man, but trust me when I tell you that you could sell adult toys better than food today. Can you imagine that? It is quite weird, but this is the new society we all are forced to live in although some of us would prefer something else.

  15. Doc Johnson Avatar
    Doc Johnson

    Yeah, and speaking as an american… it sucks. Not even in Vegas, Sin City if you will, are they allowed to get all nude and still bring you a beer. Damn puritans.

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  16. Adult Toys Avatar

    Yeah, and speaking as an american… it sucks. Not even in Vegas, Sin City if you will, are they allowed to get all nude and still bring you a beer. Damn puritans.

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