Tales of the ridiculous – PickupPal gets slapped

It has been well covered today, and I am guessing it is going to hit the mainstream press tomorrow. PickupPal, yet another carpooling site, seems to have been the straw that tickled the legal team at the bus companies.

They were fined $11,000 and now have to restrict their service inside of Ontario to almost nothing. There is an old (well, not that old) law in Ontario that defines what a “carpool” is and it basically forces you to drive with your neighbor Joe to work, everyday, and you are only allowed to pay him once a week.

A bus company sued PickupPal based on this law and won.

This case is very simple to me: Greedy bus companies and a meddling government. Bus companies need to innovate and they are either too cheap or too scared to do it. The funny thing about this is that they have now given so much free press to PickupPal that I have no doubt people will be flocking to the site.

PickupPal is not the only startup here that is dealing with endless beaurocracy and regulatory silliness. I hope they continue to take a stand.


16 responses to “Tales of the ridiculous – PickupPal gets slapped”

  1. Christopher Pyper Avatar

    This is absolutely stupid. Looks like the judge is just interpreting some obscure old law on the books. I think once the Premiere Dalton Mcguinty or the Ontario Minister of Transportation Jim Bradley get a hold of this it should be corrected. Regardless, this probably could have been fixed with some cautionary language on their site, not a $11,000 fine.

    As for the bus company, I would really like to know which one it is so I never use them again. What an abuse of power.

  2. Christopher Pyper Avatar

    This is absolutely stupid. Looks like the judge is just interpreting some obscure old law on the books. I think once the Premiere Dalton Mcguinty or the Ontario Minister of Transportation Jim Bradley get a hold of this it should be corrected. Regardless, this probably could have been fixed with some cautionary language on their site, not a $11,000 fine.

    As for the bus company, I would really like to know which one it is so I never use them again. What an abuse of power.

    1. Dan Avatar

      The bus company in question would be Trentway-Wager.

      The nice thing about web businesses though, is that it makes them very easy to operate in a place where laws don’t prohibit such a thing…

      1. Dan Avatar

        Ugh, make that Trentway-Wagar, and it looks like they run Coach Canada as well.

  3. Husein Avatar

    Love it! Disruptor of an existing business model. Using technology to side-step the capital requirements required to launch a “transit business”.

    Wouldn't this be a great iPhone app (BB funding) – find rides…hitchhiking Web 2.0 style? This could even hit the taxi oligopoly.

  4. Husein Avatar

    Love it! Disruptor of an existing business model. Using technology to side-step the capital requirements required to launch a “transit business”.

    Wouldn’t this be a great iPhone app (BB funding) – find rides…hitchhiking Web 2.0 style? This could even hit the taxi oligopoly.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Much as I'm a big fan of innovation, the laws governing buses are probably there for good historical reasons. I think in this case they're probably going too far, but it's a little hyperbolic to say that this is the result of “Greedy bus companies and a meddling government.” You are entirely neglecting whatever reasoning went into the creation of the laws (safety? reliability? environmental concerns? road maintenance? insurance?), and just jumping to an extreme conclusion.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Much as I’m a big fan of innovation, the laws governing buses are probably there for good historical reasons. I think in this case they’re probably going too far, but it’s a little hyperbolic to say that this is the result of “Greedy bus companies and a meddling government.” You are entirely neglecting whatever reasoning went into the creation of the laws (safety? reliability? environmental concerns? road maintenance? insurance?), and just jumping to an extreme conclusion.

  7. Barry Welford Avatar
    Barry Welford

    Oh what a story just the week after the USA nominates a President-elect who will continue to go with the grassroots leadership approach that has served so well. Of course it's the Internet. Perhaps that bus company just doesn't get it. Oh Canada. 🙁

  8. Dan Avatar

    The bus company in question would be Trentway-Wager.

    The nice thing about web businesses though, is that it makes them very easy to operate in a place where laws don't prohibit such a thing…

  9. Dan Avatar

    Ugh, make that Trentway-Wagar, and it looks like they run Coach Canada as well.

  10. Barry Welford Avatar
    Barry Welford

    Oh what a story just the week after the USA nominates a President-elect who will continue to go with the grassroots leadership approach that has served so well. Of course it’s the Internet. Perhaps that bus company just doesn’t get it. Oh Canada. 🙁

  11. Alex Frakking Avatar
    Alex Frakking

    This law was likely aimed at illegal taxi operations (just a guess)… should be easily amended. Can't blame Coach Canada; just doing their job really.

  12. Alex Frakking Avatar
    Alex Frakking

    This law was likely aimed at illegal taxi operations (just a guess)… should be easily amended. Can’t blame Coach Canada; just doing their job really.

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