Ten Web Startups to Watch

Technology Review has published a list of Ten Web Startups to Watch.

  1. Pinger
  2. Pownce
  3. Qik
  4. Dash Navigation
  5. Ushahidi.com
  6. QTech
  7. 33Across
  8. Peer39
  9. Mashery
  10. Anagran

Interesting list of companies. There is a mix from social networking platforms to packet filtering. It started me wondering who were the top ten web startups in Canada. Who were the companies that were building businesses around market opportunities and technologies that should succeed. And in true Nigel Tufnel logic my top ten list goes to eleven. None of these companies are listed on the Fast 50, yet. And the list doesn?t include non-Web companies like Rapid Mind or xkoto. But they are an outstanding group of Canadian ventures.

  1. Idée Inc.
  2. Crowd Science
  3. Octopz
  4. FreshBooks
  5. ConceptShare
  6. Viigo
  7. NowPublic
  8. Acquisio
  9. Agoracom
  10. radian6
  11. LearnHub 


21 responses to “Ten Web Startups to Watch”

  1. John Philip Green Avatar

    Thanks for squeezing LearnHub in to #11 David! Hehe.

    I would consider SmartHippo for number 12… the mortgage industry is ripe for disruption.

  2. John Philip Green Avatar

    Thanks for squeezing LearnHub in to #11 David! Hehe.

    I would consider SmartHippo for number 12… the mortgage industry is ripe for disruption.

  3. John Avatar

    Would love to see your reasons behind your picks for top Canadian startups explained a little more.
    The Crowd Science website seems to crash firefox when I try to visit it.

  4. John Avatar

    Would love to see your reasons behind your picks for top Canadian startups explained a little more.
    The Crowd Science website seems to crash firefox when I try to visit it.

  5. Bryan Watson Avatar

    Great list David! Though Octopz wasn’t on the Fast 50, it did make the Deloitte Companies-to-Watch list last year. I’d suggest that most of these companies should be on that list this year!

  6. Bryan Watson Avatar

    Great list David! Though Octopz wasn’t on the Fast 50, it did make the Deloitte Companies-to-Watch list last year. I’d suggest that most of these companies should be on that list this year!

  7. gringus Avatar

    Going through the list one can see that user generated content is surely on the rise. I have been saying that for YEARS!!! and have been applying that to quite some success.

    People have gotten jaded of sitting back and watch; they need to be engaged and interact with their environments.

    Really exciting times we are living in as human potential is really begining to shine through.

    Conceptshare and AGORACOM stand out in particular…I really see how they have added a new and unique twist to their respective Web 2.0 environments. Octopz appears to be somewhat of an innovator and if their path continues as such they could be close to a significant breakthrough

    Happy 4th to those who celebrate it!

  8. gringus Avatar

    Going through the list one can see that user generated content is surely on the rise. I have been saying that for YEARS!!! and have been applying that to quite some success.

    People have gotten jaded of sitting back and watch; they need to be engaged and interact with their environments.

    Really exciting times we are living in as human potential is really begining to shine through.

    Conceptshare and AGORACOM stand out in particular…I really see how they have added a new and unique twist to their respective Web 2.0 environments. Octopz appears to be somewhat of an innovator and if their path continues as such they could be close to a significant breakthrough

    Happy 4th to those who celebrate it!

  9. AJ Avatar

    Check out top start-ups in Canada compiled by TechVibes, ranking almost 300 web sites.


    Heads down leader http://www.metrolyrics.com has just announced their lyrics web site becoming the most trafficked lyrics site in the world. Quite impressive accomplishment.

  10. AJ Avatar

    Check out top start-ups in Canada compiled by TechVibes, ranking almost 300 web sites.


    Heads down leader http://www.metrolyrics.com has just announced their lyrics web site becoming the most trafficked lyrics site in the world. Quite impressive accomplishment.

  11. Agoracom Avatar

    David, thank-you very much for inclusion in your list. That is some great company, so I’ll make sure to keep delivering results worthy of future inclusions.

    Finally, I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say thanks for the work you do to highlight Canadian companies. I especially like the fact you have placed an emphasis on companies with real business models.


  12. Agoracom Avatar

    David, thank-you very much for inclusion in your list. That is some great company, so I’ll make sure to keep delivering results worthy of future inclusions.

    Finally, I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say thanks for the work you do to highlight Canadian companies. I especially like the fact you have placed an emphasis on companies with real business models.


  13. David Alston Avatar

    Awesome David. Again, thanks for highlighting Radian6 with such a great list of companies in Canada.

    David Alston

  14. David Alston Avatar

    Awesome David. Again, thanks for highlighting Radian6 with such a great list of companies in Canada.

    David Alston

  15. […] 10 startups to watch in Canada from StartupNorth. We are in great company! These icons link to social bookmarking […]

  16. […] 10 startups to watch in Canada from StartupNorth. We are in great company! These icons link to social bookmarking […]

  17. Leila Boujnane Avatar

    Thank you for squeezing us in!

  18. Leila Boujnane Avatar

    Thank you for squeezing us in!

  19. […] I’m happy to announce that, for the second time in the last week, AGORACOM has once again been named to a Top 10 list by a leading blog. This time out, David Crow and Jevon MacDonald of StartUpNorth listed AGORACOM as one of the Top 10 Canadian web start ups to watch. […]

  20. […] I’m happy to announce that, for the second time in the last week, AGORACOM has once again been named to a Top 10 list by a leading blog. This time out, David Crow and Jevon MacDonald of StartUpNorth listed AGORACOM as one of the Top 10 Canadian web start ups to watch. […]

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