Weekend Reading – June 21, 2008

Mike McDerment, CEO of FreshBooks, on why entrepreneurs are artists.

Montreal StartupDrinks June 25.

Ottawa startups can apply to present at the Ottawa Venture Summit.

Interested in your startup being the subject of a case study? Ping David Crow.

Ali Asaria, Founder of Well.ca, has some wise words on the future of customer service.

Scott Brooks, Cofounder of ConceptShare, on his reaction to poor customer service.

What’s playing in the corner office? Here is Jeremy Wright’s, CEO of b5media, playlist.


4 responses to “Weekend Reading – June 21, 2008”

  1. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    That playlist of Jeremy’s is just embarrassing.

    I do not know him.

  2. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    That playlist of Jeremy’s is just embarrassing.

    I do not know him.

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