Weekend Reading – May 31, 2008

Founders & Funders Toronto is coming! Founders & Funders Toronto is coming!! Now back to your regularly scheduled weekend programming:

Mark Dowds is showcasing BrainPark on Global TV this morning at 11:30am. If you miss the segment and forget to set your Tivo, not to worry, it will be available after the airing here: www.ceotv.com

Mark McQueen, of Wellington Financial, prods the BDC for crowding private investors out of venture debt deals.

Fundfindr is vetting startups for Dragon’s Den.

A number of Canadian companies including Mployd, StandoutJobs, NowPublic, StumbleUpon, and DabbleDB won SEOMOZ’s annual Web 2.0 Awards.

Ugly details emerge with regards to the $165M MRI Fund.

Mike McDerment, of FreshBooks, points out why founder’s should be answering the customer support line.

Our very own Chris Long and Jevon MacDonald were interviewed for an article about StartupIndex in IT World Canada.

Check out these fun TinEye searches… I just love Idee contests!

In case you missed mesh08, RabbleTV has five full sessions online now. Click on the ‘On Demand’ button on the video player to watch them.

GigPark got featured on TechCrunch.

Some legal advice care of Rob Hyndman: just go build the thing.


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