I think a lot of people considered CIX, held in Toronto last week, to be a simple extension of the defunct Canadian Venture Forum. The Canadian Venture Forum, which was dealt a fatal blow last year with the death of the Toronto Venture Group, did look very similar in a lot of ways. A slew of companies were all hawking their wares and pitching for financing from Canada’s Venture Capitalists, and while there were at least 20 startups there vying for attention, actual VCs seemed to be hard to come by regularly.
The CIX is not perfect. The concept of pitching a room full of VCs for money has some serious flaws, not the least of which is the fact that the majority of the VCs who attended CIX in the morning did not stick around to see the pitches in the afternoon. Add on top of that the likelihood of this conference giving birth to a successful deal directly from the pitches, and you are in for a lot of disappointed attendees.
It is my hope that CIX will look a lot different next year. Normally that would be too much to ask, but in the last few months I have gotten to know Robert Montgomery, the invisible hand behind the CIX conference, and he gives me hope.
In order to remain relevant, the CIX organizers need to now connect with the community and find out what was relevant, and what wasn’t. The two communities that the CIX touches, Startup Entreprenurs and Angels/VCs, will have different needs, and the trick will be to address both.
I do not believe that what the two groups need is either pitch sessions with 10 back-to-back pitches, nor does either community want a series of panels that offer little real value. What we need are connections, rapidfire demos and a venue for the best and most aggressive Startups AND VCs to stand out.
The way I see it, Robert and his staff have a lot of work ahead of them, but they aren’t the only ones. If Robert will step up and listen, we have to be ready to pitch in and do our part.
In the next few days I will post a few of my experiences at CIX. Some were very positive and some were a lot less encouraging.
What would you change? Is this a hopeless beauty contest? Should we boycott CIX next year, or should we embrace it?
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