Blognation Shuts Down

Blognation finally folded today. I have no idea which side of the story is true and which parts are false, but it doesn’t really matter. I won’t link back to all the posts, there would be too many to go back and find.

Tris Hussey has been blogging at since April (I believe — I can’t seem to tell from the site). Tris has done a fantastic job of covering Canadian tech startups and has given us especially great coverage of West Coast startups. He has also scooped us on a few great stories.

I am bummed that Tris won’t be blogging about Canadian startups for the next while at least. Canada is losing out on this one, for now at least. It was the editors/writers of Blognation who got the worst end of the deal.

Tris has posted that he is looking for full time work, specifically as a community manager. I have heard from a few companies recently that are looking to hire someone in the same type of position, so I am pretty sure that it won’t take long for Tris to land on his feet, considering his depth of experience in building communities and in the blogging tools space.


11 responses to “Blognation Shuts Down”

  1. Tris Hussey Avatar

    Thanks for the post Jevon. I started in August, to be specific … loved covering all the awesome tech going on in Canada.

  2. Tris Hussey Avatar

    Thanks for the post Jevon. I started in August, to be specific … loved covering all the awesome tech going on in Canada.

  3. Rick Segal Avatar

    Call Jeremy, if you haven’t already. I’ll vouch for you and we’ll get this rockin -n- rolling.

  4. Rick Segal Avatar

    Call Jeremy, if you haven’t already. I’ll vouch for you and we’ll get this rockin -n- rolling.

  5. Will Pate Avatar

    Tris is gold, someone should grab him soon.

  6. Will Pate Avatar

    Tris is gold, someone should grab him soon.

  7. Jeremy Wright Avatar

    I’m still vacationing in France @ Will, I’ll try once I’m back 😀

  8. Jeremy Wright Avatar

    I’m still vacationing in France @ Will, I’ll try once I’m back 😀

  9. Heri Avatar

    hopes Tris finds a new job soon.

    /about canada, this happens 1 month after Mark Evans left Maple 2.0, which means startupnorth is the last canadian–wide blog.

  10. Heri Avatar

    hopes Tris finds a new job soon.

    /about canada, this happens 1 month after Mark Evans left Maple 2.0, which means startupnorth is the last canadian–wide blog.

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