Razzle Clones Woot

Update: Caveat Emptor
Razzle made a serious misstep selling refurbished headphones as new. The first batch of customers felt burned and started discussing their experiences on Red Flag Deals. Razzle made another poor choice by posting a fake testimonial on Red Flag Deals (under the name lohervine); a site administrator outed them by comparing IP addresses. Razzle is offering refunds, but has not yet committed to covering shipping.

Woot sells refurbished items all the time, but they clearly state the item’s condition. While I doubt Razzle was set up to scam users, they really fumbled the ball losing the trust of their very first customers.

On the lighter side and as predicted, a customer ended up at Razzle.com by mistake.

Original Post
Razzle LogoRazzle.ca, Canada’s first deal a day site, launched today. The first deal: wireless headphones for $51.90. Too rich for your blood? Well join the site anyways, because they plan to giveaway a few items every so often.

The Montreal based site was founded by Ryan Closs, 26, who faithfully cloned Woot. Emulating a successful concept is a legitimate business strategy, so I am not going to criticize Ryan for that.

Think Bill Gates came up with the Windows GUI? Heck even Wal-Mart’s Greeter was an idea Sam Walton copied from K-Mart. And let’s not forget to mention the multi-million dollar exits Facebook clones are making (Germany, China). That said, I would have probably paraphrased Woot’s FAQ a little less closely.

Today’s launch had some to be expected hiccups. Fortunately, the admins were on the ball and put out the small fires in the comments. A longer term issue might be the Razzle.ca domain name. It is pretty catchy, but direct navigation traffic will occasionally end up at Razzle.com by mistake. Those users are in for a surprise… not safe for work! There is a lesson here for other entrepreneurs, pay attention to abutting domain names!

Congrats on the launch!

Contact: Ryan Closs


24 responses to “Razzle Clones Woot”

  1. Jonas Brandon Avatar

    Also might want to check out http://www.RazzleDazzle.ca to book Canada’s best Tina Turner impersonator!

  2. Jonas Brandon Avatar

    Also might want to check out http://www.RazzleDazzle.ca to book Canada’s best Tina Turner impersonator!

  3. Omar Avatar

    I friggin LOVE WOOT, and since they don’t ship to Canada, this is an AWESOME new site. Will be checking it everyday to see if Canada will have any $90 Zune deals of our own 🙂

  4. Omar Avatar

    I friggin LOVE WOOT, and since they don’t ship to Canada, this is an AWESOME new site. Will be checking it everyday to see if Canada will have any $90 Zune deals of our own 🙂

  5. Impressive Avatar

    I’m sure this Razzle stuff could end up being really addictive!
    Congrats Mr Closs (damn, only 26!) I was getting really bored with thesource website…

  6. Impressive Avatar

    I’m sure this Razzle stuff could end up being really addictive!
    Congrats Mr Closs (damn, only 26!) I was getting really bored with thesource website…

  7. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Todays deal (the wireless headphones) was smoking hot. Can’t wait to see more good ones. I have subscribed to the RSS feed.

  8. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Todays deal (the wireless headphones) was smoking hot. Can’t wait to see more good ones. I have subscribed to the RSS feed.

  9. Mark Evans Avatar

    Glad to see another player in Canada’s e-commerce market! Maybe it will inspire other players to get into the game, and give consumers options other than using the higher Canadian dollar to get deals at U.S. sites.

  10. Mark Evans Avatar

    Glad to see another player in Canada’s e-commerce market! Maybe it will inspire other players to get into the game, and give consumers options other than using the higher Canadian dollar to get deals at U.S. sites.

  11. […] site – a la Woot. Maybe this is a sign Canadian e-commerce is gaining more momentum. ITNewsLink and StartupNorth have more on Razzle’s […]

  12. […] site – a la Woot. Maybe this is a sign Canadian e-commerce is gaining more momentum. ITNewsLink and StartupNorth have more on Razzle’s […]

  13. Bob Avatar

    These guy’s are shady. They are shipping used goods as new. http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=518375

  14. Bob Avatar

    These guy’s are shady. They are shipping used goods as new. http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=518375

  15. […] were excited to cover the launch of Razzle.ca here last week. Things were looking up: Razzle.ca was cloning Woot.com, an American […]

  16. […] were excited to cover the launch of Razzle.ca here last week. Things were looking up: Razzle.ca was cloning Woot.com, an American […]

  17. […] who we covered both when they launched and when they botched their few shipments of products, is now […]

  18. […] who we covered both when they launched and when they botched their few shipments of products, is now […]

  19. club penguine cheats Avatar

    Maybe it will inspire other players to get into the game, and give consumers options other than using the higher Canadian dollar to get deals at U.S. sites.

  20. Club Penguin Cheats Avatar

    Maybe it will inspire other players to get into the game, and give consumers options other than using the higher Canadian dollar to get deals at U.S. sites.

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