BunnyHero Widget is Taking Over

adopt your own virtual pet!

A big congrats to Bunny Hero (aka Wayne A. Lee), whose widget is topping the charts!

comScore’s recently launched Widget Metrix places Bunny Hero Labs in the top five widgets worldwide (and get this… #1 if you exclude photosharing widgets)! According to comScore, Bunny Hero widgets reach 3% of the world online audience with 24,984,000 unique viewers a month.

Wayne has created a quantifiable hit! The only question now is how he will capitalize on this early success. The world is his oyster (pet idea) at this point. Hint: Click “more” and feed our Bunny!

Think these virtual pets are silly trinkets? Think again…
Club Penguin – priced north of $500 million by Sony and News Corp
Neopets – acquired for $160 million in 2005 by Viacom

How do you see Bunny Hero Labs developing?

Contact: Wayne A. Lee


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