- RT @jevon: Six Key Principles of a Successful Acquisition Strategy, Part 1 http://j.mp/mvN3uY by @mavolpi #
- Looking for sample pitch decks? Send the best and the worst examples #
- RT @truejebus: Experienced Django Developer Wanted (full-time, Halifax) http://ow.ly/50hkY #
- New blog post: The Art of the Pitch http://bit.ly/iAZtds #startup #pitch #examples #
- RT @PerspecSys Founder & CTO presenting @Cloudexpo closes $8M Series A Financing with Intel Capital http://fb.me/tPwc1MvC #waterloo #
- RT @JonathanAbrams It's been a long day, the final lean startup diehards in Montreal. #sllconf http://twitpic.com/51p95d #
- RT @KatherineHague Just registered for Democamp 29 which is coming up June 9th. http://bit.ly/mokCzK #
- RT @MarkRuddock: 7 Types of Entrepreneurs; which one are you? http://j.mp/iTeJIN #
- The BDC closed their VC office in Atlantic Canada years ago "not enough good deals" – Now this: http://bit.ly/k97McG — Will they reopen? #
- RT @davidcrow: @startupcfo explaining cohort analysis http://bit.ly/ka9eEB & http://bit.ly/lNJtmb #SaaSMath #mustread #
- k-Factor http://bit.ly/ltpUiR by @jradoff plus Virality 101 http://bit.ly/iIz0uz by @yeeguy cc: @startupcfo #SaaSMath #
- New job posted: iOS Enginerr / Enthrive Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/l9U2rd #
- RT @jaafer: @startupcfo Canadian company's rocking #tcdisrupt here's the PR: http://bit.ly/lEFtXj #
- New job posted: Java/Grails Developer / ECHOage.com Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/lBxVHA #
- RT @chrisarsenault @startupcfo: @CVCACanada – Capital Rants – Attracting foreign entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/ku6B46 #cvca11 #
- RT @ExtremeVP: Entrepreneur DNA http://bit.ly/m0Ii1H #
- Peter Thiel's "20 Under 20" http://tcrn.ch/kwA8vX includes 2 Canadians @gskurek @roseicollistech #congratulations #
- RT @Pitch_Doctor Canada and Attracting foreign entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/mm9ilP #
- RT @CVCACanada: Vancouver welcomes new early-stage, startup accelerator: GrowLab http://eqent.me/iiADTQ @robertslewis @techvibes #
- RT @sonsryan: congrats to @deblanda @bwertz @lbrody @mtippett @superrewardsCEO on the launch of Growlab! http://bit.ly/mOuN4e #yvr #startups #
- New job posted: Facebook Developer / BNOTIONS / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kjRx8t #
- New job posted: Senior Java Developers! / Pre-launch Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/m9LmJV #
- New job posted: Java Developers! / Pre-launch Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kZntY7 #
- New job posted: Server Developer Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/iJcQ3f #
- New job posted: Quality Assurance Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/l6tGMH #
- I'm wondering what @bmann and @dannyrobinson think http://bit.ly/lWKC6l #incubator #bubble #
Week in Review
There are 109 posts filed in Week in Review (this is page 3 of 37).
Week in Review
- New job posted: Core Software Developer – Effective and Independent – Full Time / Enable Imaging Technologies / … http://bit.ly/jN83cd #
- New job posted: GUI Developer – Talented and Creative – Full Time / Enable Imaging Technologies / London, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kiMZYQ #
- New job posted: Security Information Analyst / SecureKey Technologies Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ilCQSc #
- RT @JonasBrandon: Quick Practical, Tactical Tips for Presentations – http://smf.is/1sYwjv via @summify #
- New job posted: Web Content Manager / OpenFile / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/j4OGod #
- New job posted: Java Web and Application Developer / KP Logix / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/mGujCG #
- Eat your heart out: Toronto's DealFind raises $31M from Insight, Georgian Partners, and OVCF – http://bit.ly/mAYDh9 #
- RT @davemcclure: Launch a Startup for The Price of an iPad http://bit.ly/lg7WOy #women2 cc @500startups #mustread #
- RT @startupcfo: The Great Canadian Seed Lawyer Challenge http://bit.ly/iBzOQT << Huge news #
- We're giving away 2 tickets to @OCEinnovation – tell us me why you need them? 140 chars or less #toronto #events #
- RT @om Move Over Flickr — Hot Shots Love @500px the buzzy new photo sharing site. http://t.co/yNFHQkE #toronto #startups #
- RT @bwat Lack of venture capital funding holding Canadian tech firms back from competing globally http://bit.ly/l8TNNA #
- RT @raganwald A must-attend for Toronto Ruby devs and consultants: http://bit.ly/ijcs34 #
- New job posted: Server Developer / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/mSz4iy #
- New job posted: Mobile Developer Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ldwAUY #
- We made some BIG updates to the Startuonorth.ca design tonight http://bit.ly/kFb4G1 #
- Reid (@quixotic ) at Startup School http://www.justin.tv/startupschool/b/272179996 #
- RT @chrisarsenault: RE: @nextmontreal Great job guys. The MtL Tech Entrepreneurial landscape is really booming here. http://disq.us/1zyhze #
- DemoCamp Toronto # 29 – Featuring @howardlindzon tickets now available at http://guestli.st/57585 #
- Join a startup or hire a rockstar dev tonight in Waterloo at the Tech Startup Recruiting Event, tickets going fast – http://bit.ly/jMZOfv #
- This is why we do it… RT @ameet_wadhwani: If not for @StartupNorth, I'd never have met the crew and we wouldn't be rockin! #
- RT @jevon: RT @ameet_wadhwani: If not for @StartupNorth, I'd never have met the crew and we wouldn't be rockin! « Going to make me cry! #
- RT @peepf: Launch Pad video vote wraps tomorrow afternoon – choose who you want to demo live in Boston: http://bit.ly/l6H7wl #e2conf #e20 #
- Long weekend? Here is a "WTF is that" for all you startups out there. #
- RT @leapingazelle: Thursday May19 is @FounderyTO Mixer http://guestlistapp.com/events/56550 #Toronto #startups #coworking #
- RT @bwat: StartupDrinksTO20 is May 25 http://bit.ly/mAaP2j /cc @mhp @johnPhilipGreen @spelton #social #startups #
- RT @torontoist: Founders of Toronto Game Jam talk mobile games & rise of T.O. & share advice for game developers http://stjo.es/lscXcs #
- RT @byosko: What is the Ideal Seed Round Composition by @robgo – http://bit.ly/kj8mCY #greatadvice #
- New job posted: Marketing Director / Client of Grossman Dorland Recruitment / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/jSqcE4 #
- New job posted: Development Director / Client of Grossman Dorland Recruitment / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/jbQHlr #
- HackDays are amazing HackYYC http://bit.ly/mBcfqq #YYC peeps can you help @barsoomcore connect @jbristowe @d4v @jonincalgary #
Week in Review
- RT @jaygoldman Excellent advice RT @joestump: HOWTO: Spend your investors’ money http://t.co/rSxzumi #startups #funding #
- Sign up for your 15 Minutes of Fame @MeshConference – http://smf.is/1sRH3Z #
- RT @VentureFizz: Brainstorming for New Startup Ideas: A Framework to Spur Creative Thinking by @bostonvc http://cot.ag/k47zS6 #startup #
- RT @infoarbitrage: RT @albertwenger: On Incubators http://bit.ly/lTEPTQ Fantastic post – a must-read for investors and entrepreneurs #
- RT @TheCodeFactory: Tech Student looking for work? http://bit.ly/fQBOW8 Students and Startups #yow #ottawa #startups #
- Tonight in Toronto – "Hello World 2.0" http://bit.ly/kLFfCp with @edwardog cc: @TechTalksTO #
- RT @TechTalksTO: We've opened up 5 more spots for tonight: Hello World 2.0 by @pushmatrix @edwardog #opendata http://bit.ly/fNItE6 #hotsh t #
- RT @davidcrow In Waterloo in line for Google I/O Extended http://post.ly/21CAt #
- RT @googleio: I/O Live starts in less than an hour. Don't forget to tune in at 8:59PDT http://www.google.com/io #io2011 #
- RT @startupcfo: Post: Does Competition Matter? http://bit.ly/j2vDlO #
- A shout out to @extremevp @xtremelabs @communitech what are we chopped liver at @startupnorth #io2011 #extended cc: @sgwoods #nolove #
- RT @UWVeloCity: Applying to VeloCity Residence for Winter 2012 Make sure to do so by June 30th! http://bit.ly/kwxq6K #
- RT @msuster: Taking on Silicon Valley's strongly held view: The Co-Founder Mythology http://bit.ly/lFcci5 #cofounders #
- that was totally robot @vicgundotra #dangerwillrobinson welcome #waterloo RT @dpmorel: I think that was robot Vic Gondotra #
- RT @JonasBrandon: How to create $6.5B in 18 months… Microsoft Buys Skype – http://bit.ly/isSQ2W congratulations @bhorowitz #
- RT @bwertz: Great discussion of free versus paid app strategies: http://bit.ly/m0ACMR #monetization #
- RT @danmartell: Congrats @sarahprevette Wired Women of Canada: Sarah Prevette, connector http://awe.sm/5J3Gh /by @ambermac #
- Check out XX Tech Founders http://bit.ly/lOzmtl includes @sarahprevette @ambermac @yummymummyclub and others cc: @danmartell #
- New job posted: Sr. Java Developer Specialist / PatientOrderSets.com Ltd. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kPHnsy #
- RT @ceonyc: New post: Hobbies and Entrepreneurship http://bit.ly/m8liTY #
- RT @davidcrow: @startupcfo is a genius http://bit.ly/luMgLn The Mobster Style VC Intro via @spelton #mustread #
- Speed mentoring @oceinnovation http://bit.ly/lrJFmg with @jacquimurphy @avarma @techmarketer #OCEDiscover http://bit.ly/iTV30x #
- RT @hummingbird604: @matwilcox Under 30 & an entrepreneur? apply for the #fuelawards http://bit.ly/mQufic #
- If any Canadian startups need a great PR list., @ or DM me. Don't pay for access. #
- If you are in the press/media and claim to cover startups in Canada the rubber is about to hit the road. I am giving away your email address #
- New job posted: Rails Developer / Bandzoogle / Montreal, QC, Canada http://bit.ly/jK7upa #