- RT @jevon: Six Key Principles of a Successful Acquisition Strategy, Part 1 http://j.mp/mvN3uY by @mavolpi #
- Looking for sample pitch decks? Send the best and the worst examples #
- RT @truejebus: Experienced Django Developer Wanted (full-time, Halifax) http://ow.ly/50hkY #
- New blog post: The Art of the Pitch http://bit.ly/iAZtds #startup #pitch #examples #
- RT @PerspecSys Founder & CTO presenting @Cloudexpo closes $8M Series A Financing with Intel Capital http://fb.me/tPwc1MvC #waterloo #
- RT @JonathanAbrams It's been a long day, the final lean startup diehards in Montreal. #sllconf http://twitpic.com/51p95d #
- RT @KatherineHague Just registered for Democamp 29 which is coming up June 9th. http://bit.ly/mokCzK #
- RT @MarkRuddock: 7 Types of Entrepreneurs; which one are you? http://j.mp/iTeJIN #
- The BDC closed their VC office in Atlantic Canada years ago "not enough good deals" – Now this: http://bit.ly/k97McG — Will they reopen? #
- RT @davidcrow: @startupcfo explaining cohort analysis http://bit.ly/ka9eEB & http://bit.ly/lNJtmb #SaaSMath #mustread #
- k-Factor http://bit.ly/ltpUiR by @jradoff plus Virality 101 http://bit.ly/iIz0uz by @yeeguy cc: @startupcfo #SaaSMath #
- New job posted: iOS Enginerr / Enthrive Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/l9U2rd #
- RT @jaafer: @startupcfo Canadian company's rocking #tcdisrupt here's the PR: http://bit.ly/lEFtXj #
- New job posted: Java/Grails Developer / ECHOage.com Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/lBxVHA #
- RT @chrisarsenault @startupcfo: @CVCACanada – Capital Rants – Attracting foreign entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/ku6B46 #cvca11 #
- RT @ExtremeVP: Entrepreneur DNA http://bit.ly/m0Ii1H #
- Peter Thiel's "20 Under 20" http://tcrn.ch/kwA8vX includes 2 Canadians @gskurek @roseicollistech #congratulations #
- RT @Pitch_Doctor Canada and Attracting foreign entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/mm9ilP #
- RT @CVCACanada: Vancouver welcomes new early-stage, startup accelerator: GrowLab http://eqent.me/iiADTQ @robertslewis @techvibes #
- RT @sonsryan: congrats to @deblanda @bwertz @lbrody @mtippett @superrewardsCEO on the launch of Growlab! http://bit.ly/mOuN4e #yvr #startups #
- New job posted: Facebook Developer / BNOTIONS / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kjRx8t #
- New job posted: Senior Java Developers! / Pre-launch Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/m9LmJV #
- New job posted: Java Developers! / Pre-launch Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kZntY7 #
- New job posted: Server Developer Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/iJcQ3f #
- New job posted: Quality Assurance Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/l6tGMH #
- I'm wondering what @bmann and @dannyrobinson think http://bit.ly/lWKC6l #incubator #bubble #
Jevon MacDonald
Smart or Lucky? What Differentiates Successful Technology Companies?
I will be on a Focus.com panel tomorrow discussing whether it is better to be smart or lucky.
I know which one I would pick. What do you think is more important? Share your answer of on Focus.com before the panel.
Join us for a roundtable teleconference moderated by Judith Hurwitz, author of the newly published Smart or Lucky? How Technology Leaders Turn Change into Success, with panelists Chris Selland, Jevon MacDonald and Jeff Nolan. We will discuss approaches and recommendations on how to win in competitive technology markets.
Creating successful technology companies that stand the test of time is never easy. No matter how smart an entrepreneur is timing is everything. Having the right idea and right execution at the time when the technology infrastructure is in place and the market is ready can be the difference between success or failure. But even this lucky isn’t enough. A successful technology company needs to have a well defined growth strategy that takes into account changing customer needs. The failure rate is indeed high but there are techniques and strategies that can help turn great ideas into sustainable companies.
Updated to include proper link.
Week in Review
- New job posted: Core Software Developer – Effective and Independent – Full Time / Enable Imaging Technologies / … http://bit.ly/jN83cd #
- New job posted: GUI Developer – Talented and Creative – Full Time / Enable Imaging Technologies / London, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kiMZYQ #
- New job posted: Security Information Analyst / SecureKey Technologies Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ilCQSc #
- RT @JonasBrandon: Quick Practical, Tactical Tips for Presentations – http://smf.is/1sYwjv via @summify #
- New job posted: Web Content Manager / OpenFile / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/j4OGod #
- New job posted: Java Web and Application Developer / KP Logix / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/mGujCG #
- Eat your heart out: Toronto's DealFind raises $31M from Insight, Georgian Partners, and OVCF – http://bit.ly/mAYDh9 #
- RT @davemcclure: Launch a Startup for The Price of an iPad http://bit.ly/lg7WOy #women2 cc @500startups #mustread #
- RT @startupcfo: The Great Canadian Seed Lawyer Challenge http://bit.ly/iBzOQT << Huge news #
- We're giving away 2 tickets to @OCEinnovation – tell us me why you need them? 140 chars or less #toronto #events #
- RT @om Move Over Flickr — Hot Shots Love @500px the buzzy new photo sharing site. http://t.co/yNFHQkE #toronto #startups #
- RT @bwat Lack of venture capital funding holding Canadian tech firms back from competing globally http://bit.ly/l8TNNA #
- RT @raganwald A must-attend for Toronto Ruby devs and consultants: http://bit.ly/ijcs34 #
- New job posted: Server Developer / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/mSz4iy #
- New job posted: Mobile Developer Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ldwAUY #
- We made some BIG updates to the Startuonorth.ca design tonight http://bit.ly/kFb4G1 #
- Reid (@quixotic ) at Startup School http://www.justin.tv/startupschool/b/272179996 #
- RT @chrisarsenault: RE: @nextmontreal Great job guys. The MtL Tech Entrepreneurial landscape is really booming here. http://disq.us/1zyhze #
- DemoCamp Toronto # 29 – Featuring @howardlindzon tickets now available at http://guestli.st/57585 #
- Join a startup or hire a rockstar dev tonight in Waterloo at the Tech Startup Recruiting Event, tickets going fast – http://bit.ly/jMZOfv #
- This is why we do it… RT @ameet_wadhwani: If not for @StartupNorth, I'd never have met the crew and we wouldn't be rockin! #
- RT @jevon: RT @ameet_wadhwani: If not for @StartupNorth, I'd never have met the crew and we wouldn't be rockin! « Going to make me cry! #
- RT @peepf: Launch Pad video vote wraps tomorrow afternoon – choose who you want to demo live in Boston: http://bit.ly/l6H7wl #e2conf #e20 #
- Long weekend? Here is a "WTF is that" for all you startups out there. #
- RT @leapingazelle: Thursday May19 is @FounderyTO Mixer http://guestlistapp.com/events/56550 #Toronto #startups #coworking #
- RT @bwat: StartupDrinksTO20 is May 25 http://bit.ly/mAaP2j /cc @mhp @johnPhilipGreen @spelton #social #startups #
- RT @torontoist: Founders of Toronto Game Jam talk mobile games & rise of T.O. & share advice for game developers http://stjo.es/lscXcs #
- RT @byosko: What is the Ideal Seed Round Composition by @robgo – http://bit.ly/kj8mCY #greatadvice #
- New job posted: Marketing Director / Client of Grossman Dorland Recruitment / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/jSqcE4 #
- New job posted: Development Director / Client of Grossman Dorland Recruitment / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/jbQHlr #
- HackDays are amazing HackYYC http://bit.ly/mBcfqq #YYC peeps can you help @barsoomcore connect @jbristowe @d4v @jonincalgary #