- Congratulations to @500px on the Series A – http://tcrn.ch/j0DmaL #
- RT @GoEpicRise: A report on the progress of the 20 teams competing to win at #swtoronto – http://bit.ly/jxgDg2 #
- A new fund is starting to take shape in Atlantic Canada http://bit.ly/ml5mVf #
- more dets? RT @49Pixels: Just announced: @TheDrakeHotel has launched "Grass Fed Capital", a fund for startups & entrepreneurs #swtoronto #
- RT @bwertz New blog post: "Pivoting" http://bit.ly/mzUO5g #
- New job posted: Senior Software Developer / iDataMine / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/izkRRT #
- Woah @dannyrobinson out as CEO of BCIC via @techvibes http://bit.ly/k5snBu #yvr #vancouver #
- RT: @techvibes comprehensive list of Canadian Tech Acquisitions – 50 & counting http://ht.ly/5dc0J by @robertslewis #
- DemoCamp Toronto # 29 Link Bundle including demos http://bit.ly/kh0xd4 #
- New blog post: Customer Retention: 7 Ideas for Marketers by @aprildunford #marketing #retention #churm #startups #
- #DemoCamp spnrs @istopover @Jordan_Banks @dfait_maeci @bwat @SpeakerofAngels @BlackBerry @OCEInnovation @KPMG_Canada @SMU_Ryerson @vmfarms #
- Damn I shoud have read the rider RT @howardlindzon: @ExtremeVP @soravanahalli see you at 3 pm….i need lots of tequilla and green m&m's #
- RT @davidcrow OH #DemoCamp Toronto with @howardlindzon is bigger than @fredwilson http://post.ly/2BQmB #
- New Blog Post: @waveaccounting raises $1.5MM from @pcarrescia at INKEF/OMERS http://bit.ly/kjFzXH #toronto #seed #funding #startups #
- RT @alexdc The new startup ecosystem [Infographic] http://ff.im/-FpU6O via @gigaom #
- RT @jkozuch: I'm always looking for interesting tech/startup/digital media stories to cover. Hit me up if you've got a great story to tell. #
- RT @SteveCase RT @DonDodge: It's easy to start a company, but really hard to build a business. #
- New job posted: Jr. Java Developer / Analyst / PatientOrderSets.com Ltd. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/lRr91d #
Jevon MacDonald
Week in Review
- Reading: Startup Genome Report http://bit.ly/kNGKDk recommended by @sgblank #mustread #
- RT @wmougayar: Why New York City’s tech scene is thriving http://eqent.me/iWf3c0 #community #hype #culture #people #diversity #
- RT @vcsangels: Silicon Milkroundabout: How London Startups Took Hiring Back Into Their Own Hands http://bit.ly/mkJDfK #community #
- RT @newsycombinator What Does The Business Guy Do Pre-Launch? http://j.mp/mpmMqY #
- RT @Carnage4Life: Quora on aspects of PayPal's culture led to reputation as a well of entrepreneurship http://b.qr.ae/lvLBoq #PaypalMafia #
- The community is the framework – happy to be part of a rocking community of entrepreneurs across Canada #
- New job posted: Product Manager / Savvica / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/m1GUHj #
- The Economics of Carbonite http://bit.ly/jLqSsQ by @dcahill8 #SaaSmath cc: @startupcfo @bostonvc #freemium #mustread #
- New job posted: MySQL Database Developer / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada ($1,000 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/k1x0Go #
- New job posted: CTO – Chief Technology Officer / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada ($1,000 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/lWa7SF #
- RT @vcsangels: Silicon Milkroundabout: How London Startups Took Hiring Back Into Their Own Hands http://bit.ly/mkJDfK #community #
- RT @newsycombinator What Does The Business Guy Do Pre-Launch? http://j.mp/mpmMqY #
- New job posted: PR Specialist / XMG Studio / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/inVNXi #
- RT @aprildunford: blog post: Startup vs. big company politics http://bit.ly/jClKN1 #startup #prodmgmt #hr #
- RT @dharmesh: There should be only two job titles available in a startup: "Builder of Stuff" and "Seller of Stuff". #
- RT @aprildunford: You don't get (stuff) you don't ask for http://bit.ly/iwUHhl Love, love love this post #startup #
- Is there a peak age for entrepreneurship? http://tcrn.ch/knYldR by @adeoressi @founding | >35… #gumpyoldfolks #
- New job posted: Lead Architect / RIGHTSLEEVE / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kjf0RF #
- New job posted: Senior Developer / Piccsy / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ihfCQc #
- YCombinator is 6 years old and worth $4.7B http://bit.ly/iZxuuQ I hope my kids are that capable #
- RT @Jordan_Banks @JamieShulman @andrewchen: Why it’s smart for consumer startups to grow first and make money later http://bit.ly/ifof0B #
- RT @fastdrvr: @brasandranties: five simple (ha!) steps to pursuing an entrepreneurial career http://onforb.es/kswdp4 #
- New job posted: Sr PHP Engineer / a well-funded web startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kIOKZ0 #
- New job posted: Sr Web UI/Experience Designer / a well funded web startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/k2Ey1h #
- RT @suziedingwall: Gaming the OETF: Should VCs use OETF to bolster their current portfolios? OR should new investments get priority? #
- RT @Jason: Best way to get a meeting w/me is to send a URL/screen shot of something awesome. Sending biz plan or 10 paragraph pitch? Nope. #
- RT @startupcfo: Introducing @founderfuel http://ow.ly/593ga #
- disappointed lack of gender diversity with accelerator/incubator mentors http://bit.ly/mTCc9s only @deblanda listed cc: @aprildunford #
- New blog post: @GrowLab + @FounderFuel Launch http://bit.ly/mTCc9s #montreal #vancouver #startups #
- RT @leilaboujnane oh hey @chrisarsenault i hear you guys are now an exclusive boys club http://bit.ly/lfkZRk disguising as an accelerator :) #
- RT @MaRSDD @erinbury: 5 Reasons to Join a Startup After Graduating http://bit.ly/kfQ3IL by @ericstromberg #
- RT @bwertz: Application deadline for @growlabs is approaching fast – calling all entrepreneurs out there to apply: http://bit.ly/kXm81s #
- Reposting a #mustread post for startups – New blog post: A Startup Marketing Framework (Version 2) by @aprildunford http://bit.ly/mFNCyD #
- RT @CVCACanada: February 2, 2011 – Waterloo's VeloCity: creating the next-generation of entrepreneurs http://eqent.me/lcs7Iw cc: @uwvelocity #
- Wondering when @Facebook @LinkedIn @Twitter @Groupon will start sniffing around Canadian Startups http://bit.ly/k1j5cL #
- RT @saif_ajani: This goodbye note is awesome RT @TechCrunch: Facebook VP @Chamath forms New Fund http://tcrn.ch/k4NiAr #mustread #
- New job posted: Product Manager of Community Products / Uken Games / Toronto, ON, Canada ($500 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/lxNeRE #
- RT @startupcfo @SREDfund: Appealing an SR&ED claim. Read if u have a web startup in Canada http://bit.ly/jnyCAm /via @smartrmobi #
PostRank acquired by Google
Ilya has confirmed today that PostRank has been acquired by Google.
The launch of AideRSS, the precursor to PostRank, was one of the first things we covered here on Startupnorth, so we are happy to see such a great outcome for the team.
We are extremely excited to join Google. We believe there is simply no better company on the web today that both understands the value of the engagement data we have been focusing on, and has the platform and reach to bring its benefits to the untold millions of daily, active Internet users. Stay tuned, we’ll be sure to share details on our progress in the coming months!
Of course, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for all the help, feedback, and support we’ve received from our community over the past four years—thank you all, you know who you are, and we truly couldn’t have done it without you!
Ilya also notes that the team will be moving to Mountain View as part of this acquisition.