Holy Schmoly – iLoveRewards Rumoured to Raise $25mm Round

As you know, something like 10 of the past 12 articles on startupnorth have been grumblings either in the article or in the comments about lack of Canadian startups trying to go big and how the ecosystem here can’t really support it.

Well check out this hot rumour we’ve heard. Apparently, Razor Suleman and the folks at iLoveRewards are doing a MONSTER round from Sequoia sized at $25mm… with none other than Alfred Lin of Zappos fame stepping on to their board. Is that big enough to settle the anti-early-exit crowd? That’s a first class round for any company anywhere.

More good news – apparently Canada gets to keep a big chunk of the company. Razor and the sales and marketing team are heading down to San Francisco, while our beloved Canadian engineering brains will not get drained.

Seriously, it had been a while since we last talked about iLoveRewards in 2008 with their also very impressive $4.7m series A round led by JLA . They are one of those companies that have silently dominated their industry, picked up lots of awards but stayed out of the mainstream startup spotlight. Kind of the classic 5 years later you’ve got an overnight success story, like this one.

I want to ask “Why didn’t iLoveRewards raise this round in Canada?” but really, they just got took a big round from one of the most renowned, deepest pocketed VCs in the world. I just don’t think most Canadian late stage investors are going to beat Sequoia money, so I’m not sure its even a relevant question.

But it is a perfect example to ask a far more relevant question “should we care about our companies raising money locally?” – shouldn’t CEOs care far more about value than about where it comes from and live with the resultant potential location issues. I’d love to hear the inside story one day on what the bidding looked like on this deal.


4 responses to “Holy Schmoly – iLoveRewards Rumoured to Raise $25mm Round”

  1. […] we posted about iLoveRewards closing a big growth round from Sequoia. Well today, another JLA Ventures backed company did a big round of growth money as well. Paymentus […]

  2. Henry Smith Avatar
    Henry Smith

    Dan, there is a fresh Canadian start-up in Toronto, it’s pretty cool. The website name is After Classroom, and you can check it out http://www.afterclassroom.com, once you are in you can either create a new account or use one that they created for the demo as the following;

    Email: demotoyou@gmail:disqus.com
    Password: demo01

  3. […] official word yet on whether the $25 Million financing rumour posted on StartupNorth last week is true. […]

  4. […] we posted about iLoveRewards closing a big growth round from Sequoia. Well today, another JLA Ventures company did a big round of growth money as well. Paymentus raised […]

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