- #startups #designers #engineers connect with startup lawyer to the stars @rhh at #DemoCamp in Guelph http://bit.ly/d8sh36 #dg13 #
- RT @aprildunford: Registration is now open for HackTO – Get your tix now hacker people http://bit.ly/bkPsgO #
- New job posted: Senior Designer / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ckjzv7 #
- #montreal #startup VM6 raises $4M from RBC Venture Partners and Ignition Partners http://tcrn.ch/ba5Vkw #
- Booted out of Bootup Labs – http://bit.ly/baYbu5 #OyVey #
- Boris Wertz is joining the @bootuplabs board and their side of the story: http://bit.ly/byKdJJ #
- Reading Paul Graham's Organic Startup Ideas http://bit.ly/9xDezR #startups #
- RT @bwertz: Joining BootUp Labs as an investor and director – Vancouver needs an accelerator! http://bit.ly/cCDTAa #
- Icelandic eco terrorism. The facts are obvious. #
- RT @startupnorth: RT @bwertz: Joining BootUp Labs as an investor and director – Vancouver needs an accelerator! http://bit.ly/cCDTAa #
- New job posted: U / I Developer / IBI Group / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/aiqH4g #