in Resources, Startups

On hired guns

Dear Startups,

Please do not hire PR firms or marketers to contact us (or anyone else for that matter). It gives us a sinking feeling that your priorities are totally out of whack if you are willing to pay someone to send a few emails. That stuff is for big companies. Most of them just use the same form that you can use, because they don’t know our email addresses either.


The Management

  1. And using major law firms and accountants to shop their deals as well! What VC wants a piece of the financing away.

  2. And using major law firms and accountants to shop their deals as well! What VC wants a piece of the financing away.

  3. Hi Jevon,
    I just hate to see blanket swipes at an entire industry. The reality in my experience as a PR guy is that PR companies do a lot more than “send a few emails.” Those that do their job well advise their clients on who is interested in what they are doing or selling, what their unique perspective is and how and when to contact someone in order to provide them with content that is relevant to their interests. The entrepreneurs I know (and I'm one too) should be first and foremost dreaming big dreams and then figuring out a way to realize them. Many don't have the time to focus on figuring out the media landscape. So, a PR advisor can help them figure out this new territory and then make contact to determine who will be interested. As someone who's spent a lot of time listening to journalists and writers say, “thanks, but not this time,” I know that doing a pitch can be time consuming and frustrating when the person on the other end of the communication doesn't share my passion for the subject at hand.

    I know and respect you as a smart guy. So, please think again about the role and value of PR firms.

  4. Hi Jevon,nI just hate to see blanket swipes at an entire industry. The reality in my experience as a PR guy is that PR companies do a lot more than “send a few emails.” Those that do their job well advise their clients on who is interested in what they are doing or selling, what their unique perspective is and how and when to contact someone in order to provide them with content that is relevant to their interests. The entrepreneurs I know (and I’m one too) should be first and foremost dreaming big dreams and then figuring out a way to realize them. Many don’t have the time to focus on figuring out the media landscape. So, a PR advisor can help them figure out this new territory and then make contact to determine who will be interested. As someone who’s spent a lot of time listening to journalists and writers say, “thanks, but not this time,” I know that doing a pitch can be time consuming and frustrating when the person on the other end of the communication doesn’t share my passion for the subject at hand.nnI know and respect you as a smart guy. So, please think again about the role and value of PR firms.

  5. Hi Jevon,
    I just hate to see blanket swipes at an entire industry. The reality in my experience as a PR guy is that PR companies do a lot more than “send a few emails.” Those that do their job well advise their clients on who is interested in what they are doing or selling, what their unique perspective is and how and when to contact someone in order to provide them with content that is relevant to their interests. The entrepreneurs I know (and I’m one too) should be first and foremost dreaming big dreams and then figuring out a way to realize them. Many don’t have the time to focus on figuring out the media landscape. So, a PR advisor can help them figure out this new territory and then make contact to determine who will be interested. As someone who’s spent a lot of time listening to journalists and writers say, “thanks, but not this time,” I know that doing a pitch can be time consuming and frustrating when the person on the other end of the communication doesn’t share my passion for the subject at hand.

    I know and respect you as a smart guy. So, please think again about the role and value of PR firms.

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  • Hired Guns Get The Job Done April 13, 2010

    […] few days ago, Jevon MacDonald wrote a post on StartupNorth advising startups to avoid using Public Relations agenc…. While he was speaking about his site specifically, his statement that hiring a PR firm means a […]

  • Hired Guns Get The Job Done April 13, 2010

    […] few days ago, Jevon MacDonald wrote a post on StartupNorth advising startups to avoid using Public Relations agenc…. While he was speaking about his site specifically, his statement that hiring a PR firm means a […]