Bering Media raises Series A

BeringHaving learned the ropes as Directors of Sales at Sandvine, cofounders Michael Ho and Nicolas St-Pierre set out to develop technology enabling the delivery of hyperlocal geo-targeted online advertising.

With a major pilot customer signed on and patent-pending privacy architecture, Bering Media has now secured Series A financing from Tech Capital, GrowthWorks Commercialization Fund, and the Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund.

Congratulations to the Bering Media team on the raise as well as Tech Capital for successfully bringing in the OETF on this deal, the first co-investment from the $250M fund.


3 responses to “Bering Media raises Series A”

  1. Tashia Mana Avatar

    Emerging technologies are the great attention for the public; on the other hand online marketing professionals are looking towards seeking such projects, as public is more persuaded online…

  2. Tashia Mana Avatar

    Emerging technologies are the great attention for the public; on the other hand online marketing professionals are looking towards seeking such projects, as public is more persuaded online…

  3. Tashia Mana Avatar

    Emerging technologies are the great attention for the public; on the other hand online marketing professionals are looking towards seeking such projects, as public is more persuaded online…

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