in Ontario, Resources

Hire a co-op!

Looking for ways to get new talent? Hire a co-op! The Ontario Government has a great program to help offset the costs. It’s interesting how all of these programs are located in and around Waterloo. This is one of the benefits of starting a company in Ontario.

I know that Kontagent, Extreme VP, Bumptop, LearnHub, Sysmos, FreshBooks,, Idee and others have hired co-ops in the past. Here is some basic math, pay your students $15/hour for a 40 hour week for 16 weeks. It will cost you $9,600. The program will return you 25% which is $2,400. Cost for you for the 16 weeks is only $7,200. A steal!

For each co-op student hired, your organization can take advantage of the Co-operative Education Tax Credit.  The Ontario Government recently increased the credit to 25 per cent of salaries or wages and benefits (30 per cent for small businesses) to a maximum of $3,000 per student, per term. For more

Anyone know the contact details for UofT, Seneca, or Ryerson’s coop programs?


  1. Information about Seneca’s Co-Op Programs. I was part of their Computer Programming and Analysis Co-Op program. Both me and my then employer benefited largely from this initiative. I got the relevant experience and time to play with new technologies and my employer got the tax benefits as well as a skilled and dedicated employee.

    I urge all students and companies to take part in the Co-Op program. It’s a Win-Win!

    For Students:
    For Employers:

  2. Information about Seneca's Co-Op Programs. I was part of their Computer Programming and Analysis Co-Op program. Both me and my then employer benefited largely from this initiative. I got the relevant experience and time to play with new technologies and my employer got the tax benefits as well as a skilled and dedicated employee.

    I urge all students and companies to take part in the Co-Op program. It's a Win-Win!

    For Students:….
    For Employers:

  3. Another great government program for hiring students is the Small Business Internship Program (SBIP)

    They pay 75% of a students salary (including MERC) for up to 420 hours.
    At $15 per hour, you would pay about $1575 and the government picks up the rest.

    Combining these two programs would be awesome, you could hire a student for 1060 hours and only pay $9,775.

    HomeZilla has received two SBIP approvals and we will be hiring a Library Sciences person in Toronto and a PoliSci/MBA student in Cape Breton. If you have any questions about the application shot me an email.

  4. Another great government program for hiring students is the Small Business Internship Program (SBIP)

    They pay 75% of a students salary (including MERC) for up to 420 hours.
    At $15 per hour, you would pay about $1575 and the government picks up the rest.

    Combining these two programs would be awesome, you could hire a student for 1060 hours and only pay $9,775.

    HomeZilla has received two SBIP approvals and we will be hiring a Library Sciences person in Toronto and a PoliSci/MBA student in Cape Breton. If you have any questions about the application shot me an email.

  5. I’m a U of T Engineering student, we have an optional program called Professional Employment Year (12-16 month internship). I just started my PEY and I’m currently working with a great startup company. Any employer looking to hire U of T engineering students can take a look at or contact the director at:

    Jose Pereira
    Director, Engineering Career Centre
    jpereira at


  6. I'm a U of T Engineering student, we have an optional program called Professional Employment Year (12-16 month internship). I just started my PEY and I'm currently working with a great startup company. Any employer looking to hire U of T engineering students can take a look at or contact the director at:

    Jose Pereira
    Director, Engineering Career Centre
    jpereira at


  7. here are some more:

    George Brown College –
    Doreen Pashkoff, Co-op Officer
    (416) 415-5000 ext 2926

    Sheridan College –
    (905) 845-9430 ext 2649 or (905) 459-7533 ext 5662

    Humber College –
    (416) 675-6622
    contacts by program –

    OCAD –
    Zachary Moss
    (416) 977-6000 ext 250

  8. here are some more:

    George Brown College –
    Doreen Pashkoff, Co-op Officer
    (416) 415-5000 ext 2926

    Sheridan College –
    (905) 845-9430 ext 2649 or (905) 459-7533 ext 5662

    Humber College –
    (416) 675-6622
    contacts by program –

    OCAD –
    Zachary Moss
    (416) 977-6000 ext 250

  9. Companies that are interested in bringing in interns at the Masters/PhD or Postdoc level for short term research-based projects should check out the MITACS ACCELERATE ( program. The ACCELERATE program builds and partially funds advanced research collaborations between industry and academia. If you’d like to learn more about it, checkout the website or drop me a line.

    Brian Gordon

  10. Companies that are interested in bringing in interns at the Masters/PhD or Postdoc level for short term research-based projects should check out the MITACS ACCELERATE ( program. The ACCELERATE program builds and partially funds advanced research collaborations between industry and academia. If you'd like to learn more about it, checkout the website or drop me a line.

    Brian Gordon

  11. Ryerson MBA students are available for 4 month Internships.
    Mark Patterson,
    Manager External Relations
    Ryerson MBA Program
    416-979-5000 x 2486 (office)
    416-500-2054 Cell

  12. Ryerson MBA students are available for 4 month Internships.
    Mark Patterson,
    Manager External Relations
    Ryerson MBA Program
    416-979-5000 x 2486 (office)
    416-500-2054 Cell

  13. $15 an hour? Only if it’s Quality Assurance work. Consider $20+/hour if you’re looking to hire programmers, since there is a lot of choice out there (yes, even in this recession!), and as a computer science co-op student, I can guarantee you that unless the job was ridiculously good with good perks, not many people would take that offer!

  14. $15 an hour? Only if it's Quality Assurance work. Consider $20+/hour if you're looking to hire programmers, since there is a lot of choice out there (yes, even in this recession!), and as a computer science co-op student, I can guarantee you that unless the job was ridiculously good with good perks, not many people would take that offer!

  15. It depends on how much experience the student has, etc. Generally $15/hr is about right for a first 4 month workterm. I did an internship before I graduated from my CS program, it payed ~$19/hr. It just depends on the company, the job, etc. However, for a developer a common range I see in the Ottawa area for a University student is generally $17-22/hr possibly a little more or less depending on the the student and company.

  16. It depends on how much experience the student has, etc. Generally $15/hr is about right for a first 4 month workterm. I did an internship before I graduated from my CS program, it payed ~$19/hr. It just depends on the company, the job, etc. However, for a developer a common range I see in the Ottawa area for a University student is generally $17-24/hr possibly a little more or less depending on the the student and company.

  17. Right, $15/hour is right for a first work term, since many people lack the experience and the jobs available are usually rather mundane (testing, etc.). Afterward, with some more relevant experience I'd say $20 or more is expected. Programming jobs usually pay at least $20/hour.

  18. Right, $15/hour is right for a first work term, since many people lack the experience and the jobs available are usually rather mundane (testing, etc.). Afterward, with some more relevant experience I’d say $20 or more is expected. Programming jobs usually pay at least $20/hour.

  19. Right, $15/hour is right for a first work term, since many people lack the experience and the jobs available are usually rather mundane (testing, etc.). Afterward, with some more relevant experience I’d say $20 or more is expected. Programming jobs usually pay at least $20/hour.

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