Startup funding sources – Investment Accelerator Fund

My previous article on start-up funding sources covered the Maple Leaf Angels. For the next article in this series, I will cover the Investment Accelerator Fund (IAF).

What is the IAF?
The IAF is a fund that was established by the Ontario government Ministry of Research and Innovation and is managed by the Ontario Centers of Excellence. It was put in place to help early stage companies that may be too risky for traditional funding sources to get funding and allow them to make progress to the next level where they can tap into angel/VC funding sources. In addition to providing capital to investee companies, the IAF also helps companies via its extensive connections and networks to help companies in areas such as opening sales doors, developing alliances, finding management talent, and recruiting board members.

The fund was founded in 2007 and has done 20 deals since inception. The fund is on track to do an additional 9-10 deals this year. Some companies the fund has invested in include: Regen Energy, Echologics, Nulogy, Bering Media, and Skymeter

How does this fit into Ontario’s commercialization strategy?
The IAF is one of 3 programs the Ontario government has in place to support innovation and commercialization in Ontario. The first program is the business mentorship and entrepreneurship program (BMEP) led by MaRS. This helps companies get started and provides guidance for entrepreneurs to launch their companies through mentorship and access to market research. The IAF would be the second leg in helping provide funding for early stage companies. The third leg is the angel network program administered by the National Angel Capital Organization. This helps establish angel groups in Ontario that will fund early stage companies and provides a network for access to follow-on capital.

What companies are eligible and how much investment can a company get?
To be eligible for the IAF, companies must reside in Ontario. Investment can be up to $500k and is usually done in tranches.

What are the deal terms?
Investment is made via convertible debt with a nominal equity kicker. A board observer seat will be granted to the IAF as part of the deal. The IAF is open to syndicating a deal with other investors.

How should a company go about applying?
Initial contact should be made through Trish Barrow. Once the application is received Trish will have an initial conference call with the company to review the application.

What happens after an application is submitted?
The company executive summary is reviewed internally and/or externally to assess the opportunity. Companies then submit a full business plan which undergoes detailed due diligence into the market, market strategy, intellectual property, technology, and management. Based on this, a recommendation is made by the IAF management team on investment.

Companies must then do an investment pitch to the IAF investment committee. This committee is made up of IAF management, VCs, and angels. The committee guides the IAF management committee on the investment and any conditions for investment. This process also provides the investment committee with a window into quality deal flow for potentially follow-on funding.

How long does the process take?
The process takes between 3 to 6 months until the company receives a cheque. Timeframes will be dependent on what stage the company is at, if they have materials readily on hand required for the due diligence process, etc.

What criteria are used to select which companies receive investment?
As the IAF was established by the Ontario Ministry of Innovation, it is not purely ROI and profit driven like a VC fund would be. Companies successful in receiving funding typically:

  • Have a viable addressable market of at least $20m that the company can add unique value
  • Have strong, defensible intellectual property
  • Are in a position where investment by IAF can be meaningful in terms of helping the company progress and get to a stage where they will be attractive to next round angel/VC funding
  • Have high risk, disruptive technologies that will advance innovation in Ontario
  • Will create jobs in Ontario

The focus of the fund is on innovation and commercialization so companies with potentially disruptive technology that have strong intellectual property are the best candidates. The fund is looking to help companies develop their technology to the next level (i.e. could be a beta product, could be a pilot project) so the technology is further proven and subsequent angel/VC investors can look to continue funding the company. In other words, the fund is looking to bridge the gap between early R&D and angel/VC fundable companies.

Although the fund is not purely ROI driven, just like any fund it as limited resources and the fund’s management needs to ensure the companies they invest in will be the ones that succeed and become successful companies. As such, companies must be able to show a clear plan of progression with concrete milestones as to the progress they will make after investment in advancing the company to the next stage.

craig at


14 responses to “Startup funding sources – Investment Accelerator Fund”

  1. Suzie Dingwall Williams Avatar
    Suzie Dingwall Williams

    I have never understood why active VCs should be on investment committees who have a mandate to fund pre-VC (or non-VC) companies. Does this make a lot of sense? Surely there are otehr former VCs or individuals with similar skill sets who can fill this role on a committee.

    1. Craig Hayashi Avatar
      Craig Hayashi

      In the IAF case, they are looking to build the foundation for follow-on investment in the future. i.e. some of the companies IAF funds will require VC investment in the future so sitting on the committee gives the VCs an introduction to the company / baseline of where they are at so if the company is successful in hitting milestones and gets to the next level in terms of funding requirements the VCs will have this context for the company.

  2. Suzie Dingwall Williams Avatar
    Suzie Dingwall Williams

    I have never understood why active VCs should be on investment committees who have a mandate to fund pre-VC (or non-VC) companies. Does this make a lot of sense? Surely there are otehr former VCs or individuals with similar skill sets who can fill this role on a committee.

  3. Craig Hayashi Avatar
    Craig Hayashi

    In the IAF case, they are looking to build the foundation for follow-on investment in the future. i.e. some of the companies IAF funds will require VC investment in the future so sitting on the committee gives the VCs an introduction to the company / baseline of where they are at so if the company is successful in hitting milestones and gets to the next level in terms of funding requirements the VCs will have this context for the company.

  4. […] Maple Leaf Angels itself, and the other options that have been covered so far are: Ontario’s Investment Accelerator Fund; and The National Angel Capital Organization. Stay tuned for more in the series […]

  5. […] Maple Leaf Angels itself, and the other options that have been covered so far are: Ontario’s Investment Accelerator Fund; and The National Angel Capital Organization. Stay tuned for more in the series […]

  6. Name Avatar

    I have heard from an inside source that there is ZERO room left for new deals for the IAF.

  7. Name Avatar

    I have heard from an inside source that there is ZERO room left for new deals for the IAF.

  8. ourdinnertheatre Avatar

    I have been searching since feb for a business angel or for venture captial with no luck yet
    can someone help point a new business in the right direction
    visit my web site for more info

    looking for business angel, venture captial or business partner

  9. couthars Avatar

    Dear Business Owner, Homeowner, Entrepreneur,

    In today's economy, in fact in almost any economy anywhere in the world, it can be very difficult to obtain a mortgage, business financing or project funding. People that are self employed, have stated income, jumbo loans, second home loans, even those with a 720 credit score can have an extremely difficult, if not impossible time, trying to get a mortgage regardless of employment history and the amount of down payment they might have. Take a look at what has happened in the sub-prime market and the large foreclosure rates, it was a tough period financially.
    Keep in mind, lenders and investors are risking 100% of their capital when funding any project in hopes of generating a return on their investment let alone just get their money back. A good well defined business plan with strong financial projections does not necessarily justify the outlay of capital in hopes that the borrower: a) knows what they are doing; b) has a product or service that people want and can afford; and/or c) can show enough cash flow to support the debt service. Therein lies part of the problem for self employed and stated income people looking to finance or refinance residential properties. It can be a difficult lending decision when reviewing and projecting income over a period of time equal to the length of the mortgage.
    After the credit markets collapsed worldwide, and the real estate bubble burst in 2007, 2008, and 2009, both borrowers and lenders, can only hope that the loan to value (LTV) ratios will remain strong enough for the collateral to support the requested financing or investment let alone the existing values on current market loans. Add to that high unemployment rates. Both lenders and borrowers were upside down in their investments or loans, still chasing good money after bad, resulting in foreclosure after foreclosure, bad debt after bad debt, write off after write off. This spiral can be stopped, without passing the problem on to the next generation.
    It is not uncommon in many commercial financing situations to see investors wanting an equity position, stock ownership, stock options, warrants and/or dividend payments. They may want a controlling interest in the operation of the business and perhaps even place some of their own personnel with your staff or on your board. This is especially true when funding start ups or new ventures. Keep in mind that is not all bad! This is, or has been a good position for them, and in many cases, the only way they could reach a comfort level when determining your funding request. However, there is another alternative that is able to provide that same level of comfort. The Capital Investment Protection Program or (C.I.P.P.), can address all of the above issues and more, making you the borrower more attractive to a lender or investor, and make that lending decision much easier, even if you’ve had credit problems in the past, or have gone through a foreclosure. However, this does not mean you’re automatically approved at a financial institution investment group, but, it does give you an advantage.
    The C.I.P.P. has made it easier for business owners, homeowners and entrepreneurs to attract more capital to their company, investment opportunity or home loan. Lenders and investors can now be offered safety, with a fully collateralized, 100% money back guarantee against loss of principle.
    The C.I.P.P. offers guarantees, plus opportunities for the investor, while allowing the business owner or entrepreneur to keep more control of their business … and the profit! It's the ultimate tool for helping borrowers get the funding they need fast. It's also a tremendous tool for lenders and investors to reach that all important comfort level when funding projects, new or existing, let alone the many other benefits that are available to them. In some markets, the C.I.P.P. may be considered similar to the privatization of the SBA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or FHA guaranteed or insured loans. This risk reduction strategy and guarantee has been used by hedge funds for years. It is so old and simple, that it may sound brand new. The November 2008 issue of Smart Money, a Wall Street Journal magazine and February 2009 issue of Money Magazine, showed just how simple this time tested strategy is. More importantly to you are the questions; how does it work, will it work today, and will it work for me? The answer is yes, even in a tight credit market, anywhere in the world. Timing has never been better!
    The C.I.P.P. and Couthars Funding Services (“CFS”) recognizes changing industry conditions. Even more importantly, it remains flexible to adapt quickly to them. Entrepreneurs, homeowners, and small businesses alike, need financial resources and information to fully achieve their financial goals while offering solutions and safety to borrowers, lenders and investors.
    Following are some of the benefits the C.I.P.P. can offer:

    * Guarantees from top rated institutions or governments against loss of principal.
    * Ability to raise capital to start, expand or refinance without losing control of
    your business
    * Investors can use money from IRA accounts
    * Not a commercial note or mortgage
    * 100% of fees paid
    * Additional protection available with key man insurance
    * Better rate negotiation with this risk reducing strategy and guaranteed position of
    the lender
    * Deal structure flexibility
    * Possible tax advantages
    * Does not affect bank lines of credit
    * Protection from bankruptcy and judgment creditors
    * Guarantees principle on a 15, 20 & 30 year residential mortgages – for the full term!
    * Available worldwide
    * Can replace personal guarantees
    * Not affected by market risk or performance of any security or debt instrument

    The Fast Funding Kit contains everything you need to begin utilizing the C.I.P.P. including; a step-by-step guide to the process, licensing agreement, legal opinion letter, funding request profile for commercial or residential applications, funding sources and categories of lenders, federal and state financial resources, private and online sources for financial assistance, resources for women owned business, how to obtain business financing and… a special section on business planning and financial success with a guide to put together a successful business plan, and more!
    As a business owner, entrepreneur, homeowner, or soon to be homeowner, you will be able to initiate the Capital Investment Protection Program and include it with your business plan, offering memorandum residential loan application or refinancing application. As a lender or investor, you will be able to utilize this program in your funding process for the safety and guarantee you need. Use the C.I.P.P as a credit enhancement or to reduce and even eliminate the risk for all of your capital outlay.
    Once you have ordered your Fast Funding Kit, simply complete the enclosed funding request profile and basic application forms. Return these along with your signed licensing agreement, and your licensing/documentation fee, to CFS Inc. Your trust documents and loan addendum will then be prepared and returned to you.

    Get started now and make your quest for capital easier by eliminating your lenders and investors downside risk and maximizing their potential returns … and yours!
    For answers to your questions or further details, please refer to our website at , email us at [email protected]. Write to us at P.O. Box 141, St Paul, MN 55068 or feel free to call 1-888-848-5013.

    The C.I.P.P. is not a security. The use of the C.I.P.P. does not insure or guarantee you will receive a loan or obtain financing. The C.I.P.P. is a program and tool designed to assist organizations and homeowners in providing lenders and investors with a guaranteed return of principal. The C.I.P.P. and/or its parent and subsidiary compan

    ies are in the business of implementing the C.I.P.P. and educating the borrower on this risk reduction technique when borrowing capital, and as such, are not in the business of selling insurance, securities, raising capital, practicing law, or providing tax advice.

  10. paulreeves Avatar

    PLANET CAPITAL INVESTMENT. is a private investment company that provides financing to Small-cap, publicly traded companies. Our mission is to add value by providing not only financial resources and industry knowledge, but hands-on M&A strategy and implementation. Acting as principal, we maintain successful long term relationships with our portfolio companies. Our expertise lies only partly in creating flexible financial structures. More importantly, our ingenuity and financial resources enable a company to grow both internally and externally via acquisitions. We're a hard working, creative, highly experienced and successful team that can take a company to the next level. Contact us to see how we can help make your business grow financially.

    Our interests are lower than your local lenders, and our conditions are easier to meet. Depending on your compliance to make available the requirements, your funds could be transferred to your resident account within 7 working days you open a communication line with us. Listed below are the other particular areas which we also experienced in
    Start-up funding
    Commercial Real Estate Finance*
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    Seed Capital/Early stage funding
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    Debt Consolidation
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    Personal loans
    Buisness loans
    Real estate loans

    We serve your finance needs better,and make business comfortable for you.

    Name: Paul Reeves. Managing director/CEO Planet Capital Investments
    E-mail: [email protected]

  11.  Avatar

    Prospective Partner,rnrnIn preparation for the third quarter of our 2009 business year, My client Jeraisy group have initiated an investment and financial programme deemed at giving financial credits to legitimate firms and individual at an interest rate of 10% per annum for 5-10 years renewable tenure. Our ideal target is maintaining communicating and collaborating with growing entrepreneurs and businessmen globally with the aim of achieving a basic 10% annual return per capital invested.rnrnWe cooperate with individuals and corporate bodies alike in secure and lucrative business opportunities in the following areas of interest; Real Estates, Construction, Agriculture, Oil production, marketing, automobile industry, Hospitality, hotel investments, entertainment and also embracing any business that can guarantee a basic 10% annual return per capital invested, we also participate in Joint Venture partnership and loan financing.rnrnAbove are the details of the mode of cooperation offered by Jeraisy group to Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and Fund rnSeekers worldwide; If interested in our investment and financial programme you may respond to me directly by providing the rnrnrequested information below;rnrn- Business Executive Summary and your financial projectionsrn- Your Full Name:rn- Office Address:rn- Direct Telephone Number:rn- Resident Country:rn- Email address:rn- Total Investment amount required in United States Dollars:rn- Type of business cooperation sought:rn- How old is your company:rn- Previous experience in International Business Transactions:rn- Brief description of the nature of the business activities:rnrnAs soon as we receive the above information we will review and determine the viability of your company and project, this will enable us meet you at your point of need, please note that all information you send to us will be held with strict confidence and discretion.rnrnRegards,rnrnMuth Jamil Ahmad HamadrnrnFinacial FacilitatorrnrnVia: [email protected]

  12. muthjamilahmadhamad Avatar

    Prospective Partner,

    In preparation for the third quarter of our 2009 business year, My client Jeraisy group have initiated an investment and financial programme deemed at giving financial credits to legitimate firms and individual at an interest rate of 10% per annum for 5-10 years renewable tenure. Our ideal target is maintaining communicating and collaborating with growing entrepreneurs and businessmen globally with the aim of achieving a basic 10% annual return per capital invested.

    We cooperate with individuals and corporate bodies alike in secure and lucrative business opportunities in the following areas of interest; Real Estates, Construction, Agriculture, Oil production, marketing, automobile industry, Hospitality, hotel investments, entertainment and also embracing any business that can guarantee a basic 10% annual return per capital invested, we also participate in Joint Venture partnership and loan financing.

    Above are the details of the mode of cooperation offered by Jeraisy group to Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and Fund
    Seekers worldwide; If interested in our investment and financial programme you may respond to me directly by providing the

    requested information below;

    – Business Executive Summary and your financial projections
    – Your Full Name:
    – Office Address:
    – Direct Telephone Number:
    – Resident Country:
    – Email address:
    – Total Investment amount required in United States Dollars:
    – Type of business cooperation sought:
    – How old is your company:
    – Previous experience in International Business Transactions:
    – Brief description of the nature of the business activities:

    As soon as we receive the above information we will review and determine the viability of your company and project, this will enable us meet you at your point of need, please note that all information you send to us will be held with strict confidence and discretion.


    Muth Jamil Ahmad Hamad

    Finacial Facilitator

    Via: [email protected]

  13. muthjamilahmadhamad Avatar

    Prospective Partner,

    In preparation for the third quarter of our 2009 business year, My client Jeraisy group have initiated an investment and financial programme deemed at giving financial credits to legitimate firms and individual at an interest rate of 10% per annum for 5-10 years renewable tenure. Our ideal target is maintaining communicating and collaborating with growing entrepreneurs and businessmen globally with the aim of achieving a basic 10% annual return per capital invested.

    We cooperate with individuals and corporate bodies alike in secure and lucrative business opportunities in the following areas of interest; Real Estates, Construction, Agriculture, Oil production, marketing, automobile industry, Hospitality, hotel investments, entertainment and also embracing any business that can guarantee a basic 10% annual return per capital invested, we also participate in Joint Venture partnership and loan financing.

    Above are the details of the mode of cooperation offered by Jeraisy group to Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and Fund
    Seekers worldwide; If interested in our investment and financial programme you may respond to me directly by providing the

    requested information below;

    – Business Executive Summary and your financial projections
    – Your Full Name:
    – Office Address:
    – Direct Telephone Number:
    – Resident Country:
    – Email address:
    – Total Investment amount required in United States Dollars:
    – Type of business cooperation sought:
    – How old is your company:
    – Previous experience in International Business Transactions:
    – Brief description of the nature of the business activities:

    As soon as we receive the above information we will review and determine the viability of your company and project, this will enable us meet you at your point of need, please note that all information you send to us will be held with strict confidence and discretion.


    Muth Jamil Ahmad Hamad

    Finacial Facilitator

    Via: [email protected]

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