IOU Central – Canada gets its first Peer to Peer Lending Company

iou_logo.jpgIOU Central, a Montreal based startup, is launching today. They have staked their claim as Canada’s first Peer to Peer lending company. We covered the funding announcement of Toronto based CommunityLend back in December.

Peer-To-Peer lending has been maturing quickly as a concept on the heels of successful sites like Zopa and Prosper, but Canada has so far had no such providers. Peer to Peer lending is a concept that takes a large group of lenders who are willing to lend out smaller amounts of cash and connects them with borrowers who need access to cash at a rate that is below the standard credit card rates, but they are generally willing to pay a higher rate than if they had to go to a bank. A lender can be anyone with a bit of extra cash that they would like to get decent returns on.

iouscreen.pngFrom a borrower’s perspective, IOU Central operates much like any other lender, in that a borrower’s initial “rating” is based primarily on their credit score. You can however supplement that score by uploading a number of other documents to do things like prove your income, itemize your monthly expenditures and other things that can bump up your overall score.

IOU Central groups borrowers into 5 tiers: A, B, C, R, and HR. Borrowers in each tier pay IOU Central a service fee on top of the loan of 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, and 3% respectively. Service fees varies because IOU Central expects to have to spend more to recruit lenders interested in higher risk borrowers and expect to face higher operating costs servicing loans to higher risk borrowers.

IOU Central charges Lenders a Lending Fee, which works out to about 0.5% annualized, calculated based on the amount of outstanding loans you have remaining each month.

The company was conceived over a year ago and their site has been in development for just under a year. There are currently 7 full time employees and they have raised a round of funding which includes Angels and VCs, but they did not disclose the amount of funding.

I asked Sam Bendavid, VP of Business Development for IOU Central, what sort of regulatory or legal issues they encountered running up to launch and he indicated that things were quite smooth. IOU Central is registered in Quebec as a lender and they worked closely with their law firm in developing their set of Legal Agreements.

IOU Central will be focusing most of their initial marketing on potential lenders. This is a smart move as lenders will be far more scarce than borrowers. Perhaps the days of getting a loan from Uncle Vinnie are over, and Canada now has a safe, regulated, and legal place to secure peer to peer loans.

Update: The Star provided some further coverage a few days later.

Where are all you brilliant startups?

Just a reminder to all of you, any of you, brilliant (and not so brilliant) startups. You can get in touch with us and tell us about your startup.

We can’t promise that we will profile every startup that comes in, but we can promise that we will try. The number of Canadian startups getting in touch to get profiled has tapered off in the last few weeks and we would love to see more. If you really want to get a head start, fill out this form and let the reviews begin!

While we do cover a lot of events, post a lot of commentary, organize a few events, and have things like our great series on Angel Investors, we see profiles and big announcements as job #1, and the more help we get from you all the better we can be.

Want to go to SxSW? You can get $687 in support

sxsw.jpgTomorrow morning at 9am (Friday, February 8th 2008) there will be a meeting at Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada?s Toronto offices (151 Young St, 3rd floor boardroom) to discuss their subsidy for any companies who are going to be going to SxSW. From what I understand, there was a meeting about it in Montreal today. I am trying to get some more information and will post back what I can find. Read this PDF for most of the information you need.

There are a lot of Canadians going to SxSW and while the document names a few, it only scratches the surface. They mention panelists: Kris Krug from Raincity Studios, Steve Bocska from Hothead Games, Jennifer Ouano from Elastic Entertainment, Ron Thiele from Xpan Interactive, and Keith Clarkson from Xenophile Media, and I will add Ben Vinegar from Freshbooks.

Keep your eyes out for Jonas and I as well, we are working out the details as we speak.

RSVP to if you will be able to make it.