Go East! Another Startup Competition – New Brunswick

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, another quasi-governmental agency in Atlantic Canada, is running it’s own startup competition for New Brunswick startups.

There aren’t quite as many prizes as in the Innovacorp competition mentioned earlier, but it is still a pretty serious prize package, including a 100,000$ equity investment by NBIF in the winning company along with a mishmash of services that are provided to the various winners.

Submissions are due September 28th, 2007. You can get the submission form here and there is a Participant Handbook you need to read.

These competitions are worth your time whether you are established, just getting started, or even just thinking about getting a startup off the ground. The pressure of developing your business, pitching it and then, hopefully, being rewarded handsomely for your work, is all worthwhile.

Hey, I won one a few years ago and really enjoyed it. That startup, Blogtrack.com, probably wouldn’t have been launched in the end if I hadn’t received the funding that came in due to that competition. It also meant that angel investors came knocking anew. The rest, they say, is history.

Hat tip to Harold Jarche for pointing us towards this.


12 responses to “Go East! Another Startup Competition – New Brunswick”

  1. Lorrie Jollimore Avatar

    Is St@rt Up Challenge still happening in PEI Jevon?

  2. Lorrie Jollimore Avatar

    Is St@rt Up Challenge still happening in PEI Jevon?

  3. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    No. They have not run that competition in 4 years at least. Too bad.

  4. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    No. They have not run that competition in 4 years at least. Too bad.

  5. Kyle Vucko Avatar

    I totally agree with the value of these competitions. We entered into Enterprize 2007. It forced us on to a deadline for our plan and we accomplished a lot in a very small amount of time.

    We did not win, but the process gave us a lot of contacts and mentors who ended up investing in us shortly after the competition.

    nothing to lose, and potential for gain.

  6. Kyle Vucko Avatar

    I totally agree with the value of these competitions. We entered into Enterprize 2007. It forced us on to a deadline for our plan and we accomplished a lot in a very small amount of time.

    We did not win, but the process gave us a lot of contacts and mentors who ended up investing in us shortly after the competition.

    nothing to lose, and potential for gain.

  7. Chet Wesley Avatar

    Hi Jevon

    Thanks for putting up the info on Breakthru. The more people that know the better, instead of leaving ideas behind in people’s minds who might not know foundations like ours exist. The finalists were announced today.

    Chet Wesley
    Dir. of Comms.

  8. Chet Wesley Avatar

    Hi Jevon

    Thanks for putting up the info on Breakthru. The more people that know the better, instead of leaving ideas behind in people’s minds who might not know foundations like ours exist. The finalists were announced today.

    Chet Wesley
    Dir. of Comms.

  9. […] The finalists have been announced for the New Brunswick startup competition we covered a few months ago. […]

  10. […] The finalists have been announced for the New Brunswick startup competition we covered a few months ago. […]

  11. oliviaharis Avatar

    Innovacorp announced today it has completed a second-round investment in Halifax-based Navitrak International Corporation. Innovacorp was the only Nova Scotia corporate investor to participate in the $2,225,000 private placement.
    new brunswick drug rehab

  12. oliviaharis Avatar

    Innovacorp announced today it has completed a second-round investment in Halifax-based Navitrak International Corporation. Innovacorp was the only Nova Scotia corporate investor to participate in the $2,225,000 private placement.
    new brunswick drug rehab

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